We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Overcoming Fear". If you have expertise in Overcoming Fear and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl
If we could slow life down to micro-moments, if we could literally alter time like a movie turning it into sloooooow ... Views: 805
When the same thought, image, dream, or motif shows up across cultures and crosses all of our lines of classification (age, gender, geography, race, religion), we call it an archetype. For example, the dreams where you show up at school without your pants on or have forgotten to study for a test ... Views: 1020
A coaching client recently shared the following (shared here with her permission):
A few weeks ago, I found myself obsessively thinking about a situation with a friend of mine – someone to whom I’ve given my power for many years. I was completely caught by this theme and I couldn’t get out ... Views: 918
I am becoming more and more aware that in my past I was a master at passive aggressive behaviour. I played head games with people to try and make them do things that I wanted them to do.
The reason for this awareness is because for well over the last year it has been being done to me. ... Views: 1072
When my boys were learning how to write, they would freeze in their tracks for fear of making a spelling mistake. Their perfectionist tendencies were not a surprise to my husband and I – after all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree – and it was both fascinating and painful to see how ... Views: 757
Steve, 68, had just retired. It had been his second attempt at retiring. The first was when he was 65, but his wife was still working, so he found it difficult to adjust to retired life. When his wife retired 3 years later, Steve thought he would be just fine.
But then he had difficulty ... Views: 1001
Words are responsible for everything we hold to be true; We believe the things we believe because someone spoke them to us. But in our day to day lives, we rarely recognize the magnitude of our speech. We tell ourselves both good and bad things every day, often without paying attention to what ... Views: 1982
Anxiety is a messenger, a symptom, and a gift. I know that statement flies in the face of everything we learn about anxiety in a culture that is pathologically obsessed with eradicating shadow at every turn and consequently attempts to “get rid of” the symptom of anxiety as quickly and cleanly ... Views: 893
There are so many ways the ego tries to dismantle real love, and it’s favorite is to perseverate on a single question until it tires itself out, then jump to the next story. I’ve dissected many of these questions on this blog and in my courses, approaching each in the same way: name it as an ... Views: 856
One of the common fear-lines that arises when the ego is trying to deconstruct the idea of relationship anxiety and convince you that your truth is that you’re just with the wrong person is: “If what Sheryl says is true, why don’t more people talk about it?”
It’s an understandable question, ... Views: 857
One of the blessings of having a second child is that we, as parents, gain some skills by walking with the first one through predictable stages of growth, maturity, illness, and emotional challenges. When our firstborn had a high fever, we panicked. When the younger one has a fever, it’s old ... Views: 785
One of the blessings of having a second child is that we, as parents, gain some skills by walking with the first one through predictable stages of growth, maturity, illness, and emotional challenges. When our firstborn had a high fever, we panicked. When the younger one has a fever, it’s old ... Views: 690
Most of us are skeptical about exams. We always have been, right throughout our schools days. Frankly speaking, we cannot part away with this skepticism all throughout our lives. Even when it comes to facing driving tests at the end of our driving courses, that cynicism gets the better of ... Views: 725
Keeping ourselves balanced during challenging times..... can be difficult! Sometimes it may feel like you are on the roller coaster of life and you weren't even asked to get on the roller coaster. You just "happened" to grab the handle bar and are holding on for dear life! Many people feel ... Views: 951
Some people are naturally more intense than others.
They are often told that they are ‘too much,’, ’too sensitive,’ ‘too emotional.
People who feel more deeply and intensely than others are more aware of subtleties; their brain processes information and reflects on it more deeply. At ... Views: 1914
It is increasingly being recognized that many individuals who receive the diagnosis of BPD are naturally highly intuitive and perceptive. What was previously thought of as a genetic vulnerability may reflect an innate talent.
People who were born emotionally intense, sensitive and are ... Views: 2209
In the past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about the courage it takes to step out, take risks, and put ourselves out there. Even though I know how important this is for growth, in business, and for life – I still find it tricky, scary, and challenging at times.
I also realize it’s one thing ... Views: 1279
The fear response is triggered when facing danger. The ‘danger’ could be not measuring up to a desirable or imposed standard, not getting done what you set out to do, not fulfilling your own or other people’s expectations, being seen as less than perfect or failing at something. There is also ... Views: 1217
Around the middle of last year, there was a day when I felt like trying yoga again, and this was partly due to the fact that I felt lighter. What also gave me a boost was that I had just spent the afternoon with a friend.
I had thought about doing this before, but I hadn’t taken the next ... Views: 1947
Recent surveys have indicated that one-third of female students in Britain had experienced sexual assault or unwanted advances while at college. But are universities doing enough? Some colleges have been criticised for not taking rape and sexual assault complaints seriously enough.
There is a ... Views: 1295
My favorite fairy tale when I was a child was Rumpelstiltskin, the story of a girl who makes a bargain with an imp-like creature in exchange for saving her life from being executed by the king. First she gives the imp a necklace, then a ring, then promises her firstborn child. But when her child ... Views: 1276
In the same way that someone needs to eat in order to function at their best, it could also be said that they need to feel safe, too. The food they eat will give them the energy they need, but if they don’t feel safe enough to face the world, it won’t matter.
Taking this into account, the ... Views: 1400
My favorite part about living in New York is that everyone here has a story about how they "made it". It's almost romantic. Looking for a job is here is hyper-competitive and most recommend finding your job here before you move. However, most companies won't take you seriously until you have ... Views: 1189
If someone was to walk down a dark alley way and heard people running towards them, it could be said that it would be normal for them to experience fear. For one thing, they won’t know why these people are running towards them, with this being the reason why their body is getting them ready to ... Views: 1403
Sometimes it is difficult to open your mind and take a look at different ideas or opinions other than your own. I have found, however, that when I open my mind, I realize a great deal of rewarding benefits. You have the power to heal your life and empower yourself in the process when you view ... Views: 1296
We hear a lot about the power of fear these days, and the way we culturally/psychologically talk about it speaks to our beliefs that there are forces “out there” that are dark or evil that we need to overpower. In the early days of my work, I also spoke of fear in these terms, but over the years ... Views: 1134
A subset topic of the million-dollar question – is my anxiety/doubt evidence that my truth is that I’m with the wrong partner or does it mean something else? – is the issue of intuition versus anxiety. In other words, embedded inside every question of the mind suffering from relationship ... Views: 3629
'We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples'
“We cannot and will never be able to stop migration”, wrote the EU’s Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos recently. “At the end of the day, we ... Views: 1030
Building a qualities driven association includes substantially more than slapping a couple of cutout words onto a page: it's tied in with uncovering the convictions that issue to your group and placing them into movement. Whenever enacted, those convictions will transform into your ... Views: 1108
I’m standing on the edge of my life, as if on the shores of a cold but beautiful lake. I want to dive in but I’m scared, only the fear doesn’t sound like fear as much as doubt, anxiety, uncertainty, and ambivalence. What if I make a mistake? What if the water is too cold and I can’t breathe? ... Views: 1041
We live in uncertain times, and that statement alone can send an anxious-sensitive personality type into a tailspin. But the truth is that we’ve always lived in uncertain times. Because death exists, our lives hang in the balance on this precious and precarious planet. The threats change faces – ... Views: 1006
A false missile alert sent Hawaiians scrambling for 38 minutes.
Thousands of Hawaiians panicked...Children climbed into manholes. Cars raced through streets. Stores closed their doors to people desperately seeking ... Views: 1041
Joe Farah of WorldNetDaily.com offers 7 Reasons the Pope Is Wrong on Immigration: http://www.wnd.com/2018/01/7-reasons-pope-is-wrong-about-immigration/
Either the pope never read it, or he doesn't remember that God promised Abraham the Middle East, from the River in Egypt (Nile) to the River ... Views: 907
Age-ism: Don’t buy into it. We must mentally re-wire our thinking to continue our journey of aging in the best way possible. Understand the importance of how we perceive our own aging process, especially in context with how others perceive us. It’s never too late to start thinking ‘ageless’, ... Views: 1264
Israel was to keep all God's statutes and judgments that the land “spue you not out.” Lev 20:22. Moses quoted God as saying that He would punish Israel seven times over if they walked contrary to Him, Lev 26:18-28.
Later the time period of 390 years is cited in Ezekiel 4:5,6. The math, 7 x ... Views: 1048
Something has been bothering me for the last couple of years and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until just recently. A series of events gave me that “ah-ha” moment. Amazingly, it started with Donald Trump. Sorry, I can’t say thank you to him for that because what started the awakening ... Views: 1586
Recently, I had the opportunity to re-read a fantastic book that I had first read years ago: Who Moved My Cheese?, by Spencer Johnson, M.D. You’ve probably heard of this book, because of ... Views: 1534
While participating in a Mastermind group I got the assignment to write on article on the title above. I was surprised by this title knowing this is a true dream I have wishing everyone to being their true beautiful bright Star of their life and have their heaven on Earth and inviting me to ... Views: 993
This is the 3rd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader.
What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is the second step you need to know in order to expand your power and presence as ... Views: 1338
Money Anxiety Disorder: Dealing With Money Anxiety - How to Stop Worrying About Money
I believe when we are stressed about money we will tend to not able to sleep well, feel depress and tense. These are the common side effects when we have some financial difficulty.
People feel stress and ... Views: 1756
Managing Anxiety at Work: Coping with Anxiety at Work - Work Related Anxiety
Work is one of the most common causes of anxiety globally. The web of relationships, duties and office politics could be almost unbearable to many. The fear of getting fired, coping with annoying bosses and the worry ... Views: 1570
What Causes A Person To Have Anxiety: What Causes Anxiety Disorders To Develop - What Causes Anxiety Attacks
Anxiety disorder is a condition that results in the sufferer building up anxiety and becoming shy, scared of crowds and public speaking, and in some extreme cases, paranoid.
Anxiety ... Views: 1872
Do I Have an Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety Symptoms and Treatment
In any form of illness, it is necessary for you to know the possible causes. However, not all causes are identified today. There are some conditions that have various causes and this is why pinpointing the factors that have caused ... Views: 1507
What Is the Best Medicine to Take For Anxiety: How to Relieve Panic Attacks
A panic attack is a sudden flow of overpowering and devastating anxiety and fear. When you are under an attack, you fall short of breath and you experience heart palpitations. You may also feel dizziness and sickness ... Views: 1351
How to Overcome Fear: How to Remove Fear from Mind and Heart
It is a serious issue when you suffering from panic attack and anxiety because feeling of fear always. Fear can happen anywhere anytime, when you need to do an important presentation, attend an important meeting or interview.
It ... Views: 3939
Is It Possible To Overcome Anxiety: How to Fight Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can occur in one out of ten people at some stage in their lifetimes. These attacks can be very terrifying experiences but are nevertheless harmless and not dangerous.
Symptoms of panic attacks can include heart ... Views: 1413
Foods Good for Anxiety: Foods to Eat To Help With Anxiety - Foods That Fight Anxiety
There is no quicker way to reduce general anxiety than having good eating and drinking habits. One of the most easily implemented and effective additions to your diet is fresh water. Water is a great ... Views: 1311
Foods That Help With Anxiety: Foods That Reduce Anxiety And Depression
I believe most of us have heard the saying of "You Are What You Eat". You can make many anxiety symptoms less severe by implementing these four best foods for anxiety.
A well balanced diet including a number of foods ... Views: 1246
How to Speak In Public: How to Get Over Fear of Public Speaking
If you are in front of a large group of people to deliver your first public speech it may be natural for you to experience your knees wobbling. This is natural especially if this is your first, and you will experience fear, ... Views: 1162
Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking
Anxiety is a physiological and psychological state that illustrates behavioral, cognitive, somatic and emotional components. It is known as a displeasing emotion of concern and fear. Moreover, anxiety is considered as ... Views: 1190