Yvette Eastman, has been teaching and maintaining a full time practice in Reflexology, Touch For Health and other Kinesiologies for over 35 years. She has attained international acclaim with the many programs she has developed – Touchpoint Reflexology, Meridian Reflexology, Chakras on the Feet, Hot Stone Massage For Feet and Legs and even Animal Reflexology. She has written a variety of books, has developed charts, video and audiotapes. Yvette remains approachable, and available to her students and clients and is known for the dynamic quality of her teaching, the vastness of her knowledge, her delight in sharing it, as well as the super-learning techniques, which ease people into learning and fun. Her seminars are stimulating, thought provoking, and make use of multiple concepts and joy of learning. Her search for better, easier and more effective ways to help people is continuous. She attends many classes herself to keep abreast of the changing styles in health improvement and maintenance. Since she is eclectic in her practise and that has become the basis of all her teaching. She synthesizes new and old information. Even her “energy modalities” such as Emotional Freedom Technique, EmoTrance, Quantum Touch, Sedona Method are grounded in reality and absorbed into other techniques to give vitality to each modality!
Her life’s purpose is to educate people in self-help Techniques. “I believe these amazing techniques need to be shared with professionals in all fields, conventional and complementary to improve their approach to health.” says Yvette. Her ambition is to see this method taught to all children in Elementary school and to see it as popular as Yoga or Pilates for the entire adult population. She teaches Reflexology, EFT , and Kinesiology through the School Boards in Vancouver, Coquitlam, & for Douglas College. She has presented it to the Royal Columbian Hospital, Surrey Memorial Hospital, Eagle Ridge Hospital and St. Paul’s Hospital Staff. as well as several schools for estheticians. She also teaches short classes in Quick Tips and Stress and Pain Relief. She presents a five-month Diploma program as well as shorter certificate programs for career training in Reflexology and is registered with the Private Career Training Institutions Associations of BC. She is a member of The Reflexology Association of BC, where she worked in committee for eight years to provide a basic minimum standard in Reflexology for BC and hopefully the rest of Canada. She is a member of the Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario, The Association of Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners and the Natural Therapies Certification Board. Her school and its certifcation is accepted by each.
Her book, "Touchpont Reflexology The First Steps" is in its 6th printing. It is an exceptional "how to" book for Foot Reflexology. Her newest venture is a mosaic of Reflexology presented by Instuctors in its many modes and from many countries. Yvette other claim to fame is her manual, her class and her practice of Pawspoint Reflexology. It is an incredible way to work with animals.
For more information: www.touchpointreflexology.com or e-mail: Yvette@touchpointreflexology.com Her Phone and Fax number: 604-936-3227 .
"Laughter is the only real medicine. It has so many positive side effects. Life is so very funny when you look at it through different eyes and from a different perspective. Say you have to go to court and you are terrified. Picture the judge and the lawyers wearing diapers with a great big pin in the front. Now try to take them seriously! Sometimes, even when it is a really serious matter, you just have to sit down and roar. Real life is better than any sitcom."
"Try Reflexology. It will bring wings to your feet , then you will fly rather than walk on the wild side!"
"If it doesn't work for you, don't do it, whatever it is. It isn't a failure, it's just another lesson. Nothing is a failure if you learn from it."
Every dis-ease, every hurt, every difficult time is trying to give you a benefit. Learn the benefit, give it to yourself, and the pain will leave you. It was there to get your attention."
"All feet are beautiful because they have a history. Learn to read them and you have the key to understanding a person from the nitty-gritty to the soul."
"When you work with someone, remember that they are a mirror for you. There is something to learn from them. Discovering their secret is revealing yours to yourself."
To find out more about Yvette Eastman, check her website: www.touchpointreflexology.com You can see her humour and delight in life and in her work as it shines through every page.
If possible take a class. Even if you don't use it professionally, you will find so much that you can use with self, family and friends. She brings the joy of learning to every seminar. Bring your cat, dog or rabbit to a Pawspoint class. You won't believe the change that will occur to you and your animals.
Buy her Reflexology books whether hard copy or email, they are worth their weight in gold. Ask for her charts - she has seminars on a page to lead you through a difficult session. Her Dial-a-Reflex tells you what to work, specifically, for any discomfort. Her video will guide you through a Reflexology session.
But best of all, if you ever go to Vancouver, phone her for a session. Her EFT sessions will change your life. Her Reflexology and Kinesiology sessions will leave you light, relaxed, and pain-free.
Yvette is always available to talk with you or assist you. Phone her, email her and she will get back to you to answer your questions. 604-936-3227, yvette@touchpointreflexology.com
Yvette Eastman
email: yvette@touchpointreflexology.com
Web site: http://www.touchpointreflexology.com
phone number: 604-936-3227