Our Program "The You" is a complete, directed self-help program which through Meditation and assisted through hypnosis if desired you can access that portion of your spiritually containing information relating to your current life mission and direction. This is an any age program (Over 18 years old) which is structed and directed. We also provide Reincarnation sessions with the emphysis being on past life regression for the specific purpose of finding out if present day life problems are related to past life experiences. We than attempt to inform and through a process of Life Coaching attempt to correct such issues. We are serious in these sessions and is not done for any other reason then to provide assistence.
"THE YOU", Reincarnation and Religion Together
Understanding and Healing
Today, as has been the norm throughout history, mankind has placed such importance in the way we are physically accepted by others. People's physical aspects such as body shape, hair, eyes, etc. have become paramount in their existence and acceptance on Earth. All of this wasted energy knowing physicality has such a short life and is meaningless in relation to the Universe.
The world is an ever changing phenomena, possessing a life of its own. As such it has both positive and negative effects. The positive aspects due to technological advances in communications has allowed society can visit any point on the Earth and unthought-of just years ago, journey through the Universe. Such programs such as Facebook and Twitter along with a multitude of social and news media has allowed people to tap into and contribute to the noise of the planet. While informative and enlightening, the information highway has proven to be a great distraction to the spiritually of mankind. I created "The You" as a self-help Program to provide people a connection to their inner self and a better understanding of their spiritual Essence.
Through research and practical application I have determined a center point I have named and refer to as "The You". Simply, The You is located in the deepest point of the sub-conscience mind and acts as a filter or barrier between previous life cycles and the current life to death cycle. "The You" provides a protection barrier against previous life cycle experiences such as love, family, personal accomplishments and failures. The Good Lord in his wisdom desires man to enter a life cycle with a clean slate, free for self-determination and spiritual growth.
As discussed above most are too distracted by noise and disconnect to listen and discern the information provided by "The You". This disconnect I believe provides for troubles, misdirection and discontentment in people's lives. "The You" once accessed can provide insights into objectives and reasons individuals are in their current life cycle.
Yes, when I reference life cycle I am in fact referring to that controversial word "reincarnation". I do believe in reincarnation and I also strongly believe in GOD. I have no conflict between the two and further believe in His wisdom, multiple life cycles were intended for a particular reason. Simply, the attainment of total enlightenment allowing movement to a higher plane of existence. As creator, GOD understands man better than anyone and created the framework to provide a process allowing for the both attainment of Total Enlightenment and atonement for transgressions. I have reasoned man does not have the ability to attain Total Enlightenment in one life cycle but can over a indeterminate number of life cycles has the opportunity to achieve what GOD intended.
I believe the Spirit also referred to here as the Essence is created by GOD. The Essence is that which strives for Total Enlightenment in the eyes of GOD. As such, it is a continued journey until attainment rather than a one way trip based on little to nothing in the scheme of time itself. In GOD's wisdom I believe Man was never expected to nor intended to attain total knowledge and experience in one life cycle. Nor have I believed total enlightenment could be achieved based on a life cycle of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or years. I believe GOD designed a program not so much allowing for self-determination but demanding it. He understands making mistakes and gaining knowledge were part of both the total experience and spiritual growth.
"The YOU" and What It is.
"The You" exists deep in the far-edge of your sub-conscience. First as a filter, The You separates your conscience and sub-conscience from what I refer to as your ESSENCE. The Essence is the you, the total, GOD created spiritual being and provides much like a depository a place for one's life cycle experiences and spiritual attainments. The Essence along with your conscience and sub-conscience form what is you in the Spirit. For a better understanding, image a pyramid built of countless various sized blocks representing one's experiences, learning's and spiritual accomplishments garnered over different life cycles. Whereas missing blocks would be spiritual accomplishments and experience not yet achieved. and sins, un-repented wrongs against fellow life cyclers requiring atonement and redemption to be worked on and achieved in future lifecycles.
The You, also holds pertinent information why you as a person exists today. You are here for a reason and are on a mission. Your mission is to accomplish those things which is missing from your Pyramid. One of these may be atonement for previous life cycle misdeeds. I contend "The You" allows people experiencing troubles in their current lifecycle, have phobias and appear to be misdirected to seek answers to their current dilemmas and be directed back to those reasons they are in their current life cycle. The pathway to The You is through practiced and directed meditation and in some situations, hypnosis by trained hypnotists.
The Case for Reincarnation, Religion and "The You"
While reincarnation has been a stalwart of many old world religions, especially in eastern culture, it has been vilified by most western Christian based religions. The notion man could lead a non-virtuous lifestyle yet be given future opportunities to atone for such actions has always existed as major hurdle for acceptance by religion. We do know the concept of reincarnation has been around since organized religion and mentioned in both eastern and western theological discussions. I contend if religious research was discussed in a open and honest format, reincarnation would become much more accepted process. With this said, I believe one would find a commonality between most religions as to a Supreme Being and what is right and wrong. I am not a Religious Theologian and not a lawyer either, but I do have a insight given to me by a higher power and provides for people to better understand their physical lives, the spiritual essence and the process to total enlightenment with GOD.
Our physical existence uses our conscience and sub-conscience to experience and attain spiritual qualities. On the other side of the spiritual spectrum, past "The You" we find our previous life cycle information located at the higher levels of our Essence. The information found here are our experiences, both positive and negative garnered from our past reincarnations, or life cycles. Through hypnosis we are able to retrieve and re-experience events. Further found but appear inaccessible are those enlightenment blocks we referenced previously. While reincarnation researchers through deep hypnosis can document people's birth and death experiences, locations and people, nothing appears be related to those spiritual enlightenment pyramid blocks. There is a limit and that limit I believe is GOD intended.
I consider hypnosis as controlled deep meditation and is a valuable tool and asset. I personally believe however, accessing previous life cycles is a double edge sword. On the positive side, we can assert why people have phobias, debilitating fears and physical abnormalities. The process of hypnosis , has been practiced by highly trained researchers, Doctors and others such as the renowned Edgar Cayce. On the other side, some have abused the process and brought distain. Reincarnation research should only be conducted by hypnotists with experience and a belief that once "Pandora's Box" has been opened, they have a responsibility to address those issues found and assist in solving them. Too many times I have talked to people who have been left with unaddressed issues. Reincarnation research should be taken serious and clients given every opportunity to positively benefit from the experience.
In conclusion, and I discuss this further on our website, your religious beliefs may preclude you from considering meditation and hypnosis in search for answers pertaining to spiritually. However, if you are experiencing problems in your life and have not found answers elsewhere, consideration should be given to "The You" and the various alternative methods available. Times and attitudes have evolved and people are finding the spirit is not as simple as previously thought but understanding the various aspects and why they exist do. Knowing these aspects and how to utilize them to your advantage can make a significant difference in your current life cycle. Your here for a purpose, it would be nice to know why and make those adjustments required to get back you back on the intended highway.
W. Richard Hoffman
The Birdcage
I remember in my younger days, it was fashionable for people to own birds such as Parakeets, Song Birds and Canaries. Gentle birds who could be domesticated. These birds through training and experience with man could entertain with songs or repeat human words. Their reward would be a safe place known as a birdcage and life sustaining food and water. Some of these birds would be so lucky to have their birdcage door left open. I would watch and wonder why some would stay on their perch, while some, the adventurous birds, would gladly jump from their perch to the birdcage doorway. Finally, some would then decide to attempt that which mankind could only dream of, fly. Some to a window curtain and not many but a few, out the open window and into a unknown world. I always wondered why some did and some didn't and what happened to those who left their learned world and flew beyond. I came to realize as I watched birds and people, in some respects there was not so much a difference to the very basics of life. I might seem crazy, but please read on.
My concern was for those birds, when granted freedom, decided to stay on their perch. To sit for hours and watch the world before them. Birds, like many people never knowing what a wide and wondrous world existed past that which they have come to accept. I also felt remorse for those birds who had the courage, though limited but courage nevertheless to leave the comfort of the perch and leap to the birdcage door. Like the perch, the door only provided those birds a platform to only continue the limited life they experienced on the perch. They continued to watch the familiar while safe and when approached would fly back to their perch and further safety. They never learned or expanded their experiences nor seemed to expect more in their life. Song and limited words were their accomplishments. The true leap of faith came to those birds willing to use those attributes which God had given to them. The ability to fly, to soar with wings that man has only has dreamed of to achieve great heights and experience life and freedom and for some a knowledge never expected.
People are like birds. Of course we do not live in birdcages but most live in a self-imposed, limiting cage which has restrained our thought processes to seek and grow further in life. For example, I just recently read a tweet where a person was talking about how they wish they could go back to their past. A past where they felt safe and secure and not to this day realizing their birdcage was not really safe. For someone could have left a window open to the winter cold, or humans , keepers of the birdcage might have failed to provide basic substance. No matter, in the soft reflected memories they now possess of protection and security was comforting and better than their current self-determined journey in life outside the cage . They don't realize they were the bird who leaped to the birdcage doorway and in a leap of faith tried to soar but found on this attempt at growth only a wall instead of window and now they are filled with paralyzing regret. My short message which I hope had a positive effect simply said "spread your wings and fly again, avoid the wall and find the window".
The longer I exist in this life cycle the more I have accepted that which in youth I would not. I do believe we all are here to experience everything possible. That old adage" that which does not take our lives away, only makes us stronger" is true. Our Supreme Being gave us wings and those wings for man is his ability to think and through the process of thinking, practice and evoke self-determination for directions in life. I say directions, as life does truly change and we with it. More importantly, the ability to decide to change direction when the headwinds become too strong to fly against. Or make the determination to work harder and smarter to achieve our mission in life. I believe the mind is the key to life and beyond. We understand the brain is the physical tool given to hold that portion of our essence which we use here on earth. A physical thing left behind with the rest when the body becomes useless and dies. Its that time between life and death we should be doing our investigation of our existence, the why and where we might be heading once our mission on earth is completed.
We are just beginning to explore our spiritual capabilities and some day we may find all of our experiences on the physical plane are there for us to find. To take those experiences and learn why we are who we are today and rid ourselves of the baggage we picked up along the way. To correct those previous trips we found ourselves flying into walls rather than out open windows and attain greater freedom to experience growth in life and spiritually.
I can envision a day where we through our spiritual aspects cure such ills as cancer, heart attacks and other killers of mankind and eliminate medicines with their endless side effects. Medicine done through spiritual means in a directed self-help manner. No one said it will be easy. Just like the bird in the birdcage, mankind has take the leap of faith and seek the door, the window and the fly to the heavens above to achieve such higher plane awareness. We already have had glimpses of miracles such as reincarnation life cycle visits through hypnosis and surgery without traditional tools or the ability to experience out of body travel. There are many more surprises for mankind as we push the envelope and this seeking of knowledge of the spirit is not against God, religion or even science. It is the purpose of man at his fullest.
In closing, I say be the bird who has sat on the perch and watched but now seeks much, much more. If you haven't, take the leap to the birdcage door, jump and soar through the window and seek the higher heavens. Those heavens are where we are supposed to be not sitting on a perch with wings folded and useless and listening to the useless noise surrounding our current lives within the birdcage.
W. Richard Hoffman
Former Perch Sitter
Is Cerebral Science the Ultimate Cure for Disease?
Each year the Medical Science Industry along with countless Endowment Funds, Colleges and corporations spend billions upon billions of dollars, yens and Euros seeking wonder pills and cure all witches brews. No matter the currency being spent, the medical community is expanding while aliments and diseases continue to expand each and every day with it. While the effort to find cures is both admirable and currently worthwhile, the cost of healthcare, doctors and corporate involvement Research and Development also known as R & D, is making healthcare unaffordable for many Americans, let alone people living in second and third world nations.
Man appears to be his own worst enemy as we live in a world filled with self-produced by-products and contaminates. In response to these self-created ills, we attempt to cure our aliments with hit and miss drugs. A real Catch-22. These miracle drugs while concocted to produce cures for a multitude of aliments and diseases, more often than not seem to produce a litany of horrible side effects and in some situations, even death. We ingest these drugs in good faith, believing that which ails us can be either cured or at best utilized to reduce the side effects. Of course, there are those diseases we just have not found an answer to and in our present state of mind, may never achieve victory. Now with the event of "The Affordable Healthcare Act", better known as Obamacare looms on the horizon we are beginning to realize we are truly caught between a rock and a hard place. The healthcare industrial complex is out of control and there has to be a better solution.
I agree there is a need for a medical community, doctors and support staff in order to provide short and long term services,. These current medical services are essential based on current medical practice and direction. However, I believe there is a better pathway to both physical and mental health and this important area left unexplored by the medical community is what I refer to as "Cerebral Science". Cerebral Science is devoted to the study of and advancement of cerebral healing through spiritual methodology. Wonder why we haven't heard much of Cerebral Science?
The reason we presently have a lack of a field devoted to Cerebral Science? Most professionals within the medical profession walk a very narrow line. This line has been imposed by their peers since creation of the science of medicine and is a protection against outside influences. As the world has grown in communication and opportunity to share ideas and concepts, the medical industry holds onto the axiom of "toe the line" or be drawn and quartered and excommunicated. Harsh, yes but a necessity in order to maintain law and order and profitability. While there has been some minimal research, most comes from a scientific viewpoint based on physical world criteria. Enough said pertaining to our current medical dilemma. Let's address the future.
Cerebral Science I believe will be the future methodology when pertaining to curing such problems as cancers, blood pressure and other physical issues. Cerebral Science will be so far advanced in relation to today's medical science as today's science compared to medieval times and their crude aliment and disease cures. It will not be, at least initially for open wounds, broken bones or other immediate injuries. However, for other aliments or diseases the body through spiritual connection working in conjunction with the brain will produce solutions without side effects experienced by today's cure methods.
We have seen in its most limited form, a slowdown of blood flow to where one could not feel a pulse. Or a cut and witnessing a reduced or completely stopped blood flow. Other examples include physic surgery by use of just the human touch. These feats of magic have normally been conducted by individuals trained in high spiritual meditation and self-hypnosis and represents a very small percentage of the human race. With that said, I contend even having one of these feats accomplished just once opens the door to the possibility of a future science with unlimited potential. Image at its extreme, Cerebral Science increasing the physical world lifespan or offer the ability to inter-change physical bodies or even grow missing limbs, eyes and diseased human organs.
This Cerebral Science does have and will continue to have issue with the medical community and the religious community. Why? Simply, each are embedded in learned stimuli and response. No organization or group desires change unless they are accepted and included into the new venture. Like the Oil Companies and their relationship to solar power. Fracking didn't happen overnight, but has grown with acceptance by Big Oil and the profits attributable to them. As to religion, never attack mankind's promise to an belief in a Supreme Being and an afterlife. I concur as I am very religious and believe God intended us to seek, grow and achieve. Raised as a Catholic I have very distinct beliefs, ingrained over decades. However, I believe I have been given an insight into the overall picture and believe God has given us the ability to self-determine and to accomplish the impossible. We read in Scripture of 400 plus year old men walking the earth. Something unheard of in today's world. Yes, an accomplishment in times of little to no medicines but a time where man could practice meditation and a closeness to God. As Cerebral Science relies on such tools as meditation and hypnosis and possibly other forms of mental sciences the spirit, soul or your Essence God has created is the number one key for success.
Finally, who decides on the issue of Cerebral Science? It will be those with both an open mind and a directed effort to find that place deep within the Essence we call our spirit or soul. Everyone has such but connecting to that targeted place will take research and dedicated effort for success. These people will be those on the edge of their particular science or field of study who have a vision of something more just lying on the other side of the edge. When found, mankind may be given the addition time required to grow their Essence through total enlightenment and move that much closer to God.
W. Richard Hoffman
Valerie and myself both believe in through our research the pathway to God through spiritually is a multi-level process completed over various life cycles. this is nothing really new in its context except the process of building blocks representing spiritual growth and the concept of "Atonement". We both believe in a Heaven and a Hell but again the process is not a one time, one life senerio. While this goes against Christian doctraine it certainly does not diminish our belief in God. In fact, we believe our ideas actually strenghten the religious concept to those who have questions or simply do not believe in a Supreme being.
I have not met one person who has not changed their belief when knowing their current life cycle is coming to an end. If questions can be answered and help understanding them, most tend to make a change in their beliefs quite easily.
We also believe in the process of Reincarnation and how it fits well into and explains the process of total enlightenment in the eyes of God. We never thought life was a one-way, one time venture in which you had to learn and expereince all God has surrounded us with. I never believed in the one and done theory.
We offer several Products on our webpage; Most of our current Products support our concept of "the You". a direccted, self-help program which through meditation allows one to realize why they are here on earth, the mission and to attempt to solve issues which are negatively affecting their current life cycle.
Our Programs are moderately priced for what they offer. We also have semiars available for groups and individual sessions for those interested in Meditation and Hypnosis for Reincarnation - past life expereinces for the purpose of correcting current life cycle issues such as fears, phobias and other concerns.
Here is the link to that Website page: http://wrhoffmanassocs.com/Services.html
Contact can be made on our Website at:http://wrhoffmanassocs.com/Contact_Us.html
Or http://valeriehoffmanassoc.com/Home_Page.php
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