Veetman has been exploring the issues of meditation and transformation in conscious living and dying since more than 30 years, many years under the guidance of his spiritual teacher Osho. A trained hypnotherapist, he started exploring the issues of the spiritual transformation in the process of dying when he came across experiences of ego-death and absolute freedom in deep meditation and surrender to life in all its expressions and challenges. These experiences changed his life and his work towards a spiritual journey in search of truth and liberation from the bondage of a conditioned personality and ego, and led him to devote his entire life to the inquiry into love and compassion for all living beings, in deep gratitude towards his teacher.
Veetman does not follow any particular tradition or religion.
His name Veetman, given by his teacher means: Going beyond the Ego. This has been his inner guidance and direction ever since.
He works as a spiritual teacher and director of the Institute for Living and Dying, based in Germany.
Part of his work is facilitating workshops and trainings in spiritual support and care for the dying in Europe, the USA and Canada, and providing individual spiritual guidance for the dying.
Veetman is also a spiritual friend to those seeking guidance on the path to liberation and awakening, in personal meetings as well as in retreats. He has explored the issues of ego-formation and the transformation on the path of return to the ground of being, in death or in spiritual awakening, and loves to share this in his meetings.
Veetman´s work is focused on authentic spiritual awakening and recognition of the deathless essence inside.
He publishes a continuously expanding audio-program with meditations and awareness exercises on vital issues of conscious living and dying and spiritual transformation.
If you read german, visit the german website with many more informations, articles, meditations and informations about the spiritual dimensions of living and dying.
Almost all human beings are consciously or unconsciously afraid of the inescapable process of dying, the loss of everything we believe to be and to know. A life overshadowed by fear can never be fulfilled or peaceful, it will remain an endeavour to create false security or the illusion of immortality.
Only a deep understanding of the mystery and the grace of death and dying can dissolve these fears, and will bring a new quality into your life. And then the moment of death can be a fearless, conscious transition into another dimension, a return into our true nature, which we believed we had lost while alive. The lost awareness of our real nature is the cause for psychological and spiritual suffering of human beings.
Only a fearless being can be really loving, present, authentic and creative.
The conscious encounter with our mortality gives us the courage and clarity for a conscious decision to live our life NOW as intensely, lovingly and fulfilling as possible.
The pattern of postponing qualitatively essential things is destructive to a life that is meant to be an expression of aliveness, joy and compassion.
Most people only recognize in their process of dying their overwhelming pain about having wasted their life with unessential things and values. In such pain and existential anguish death is a vain struggle and makes us miss what is called " the crescendo of life" : the conscious re-entry into the state of oneness, the ground of being.
It is everyone´s potential to recognize who they are: pure consciousness, not identified with the mind, the mental ego and the body. This is the state of freedom and unconditional love, the ground of being.
If we miss it, we have missed everything.
This insight we can learn from the dying: Do not waste your life with insignificant things, unfulfilling relations and running after desires. Find that essence inside you which is already whole and healthy.
I call it the ground of being.
Visit the Institute´s website, read about Veetman´s work and listen to the audiosamples of his CDs. If you feel to move deeper into exploring the issues of death and dying, consciousness and meditation, visit our seminars, trainings and retreats.
Part of Veetman´s work is answering sincere personal questions on death and dying, meditation and spiritual growth.
View these videos.
BARDO- Awakening from the Dream
The Art of Dying
Institute for Living and Dying
Hauptstr. 23 b
D- 37124 Rosdorf
Tel. +49-5509-942908
Fax +49-5509- 942901