Troy Huggett, M.S. – Battle Creek’s FIRST Personal Trainer (1986) holds both B.S. & M.S. degrees in Physical Education. He is a certified Personal Trainer and Gold Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist through the American Council on Exercise and teaches the ACE Exam Review and Practical Training programs internationally. Troy has authored three fitness books (Fast Fat Loss Forever, Rounded Shoulders and Ultimate Fitness: The strength training way!), produced both a fitness audio (Personal Training 101) and video (Perfect Curves) program, authored the Champion Maker Series (sports conditioning programs) and 9 ACE continuing education program exams and is an item writer for all ACE certification exams. Troy also writes a regular fitness column in the Battle Creek Shopper News (14 years) and the Southwest Michigan Senior Times (9 years).
Troy works with people of all ages and conditions. His areas of specialty include:
· Weight loss, with clients exercising less and losing more;
· Medical conditions/post rehabilitation – he is the only personal trainer in Calhoun county qualified to work with medical patients;
· Senior Populations – his most senior client was 88 years old.
· Golf Fitness – he’s trained elite golfers from high school to professional.
· Athletics - he has trained athletes as young as 6 years old through high school, college, Olympic and professional levels, including the National Champion Northern Michigan University Women’s Volleyball program.
In addition to the above qualifications, Troy is an ABMP certified Bodywork & Massage Therapist who has worked with the Chinese Olympic team in Beijing China & a licensed Emergency Medical Technician.
Fast Fat Loss Forever - the step by step guide to the fastest fat loss - that lasts you've ever seen. This is amazing!
10 Cubed!
Troy Huggett's spin on the most productive strength training program ever developed. This is a 1x/wk workout program that has been proven successful with hundreds of people - the best part is, the results don't go away, as long as you continue your 1 workout per week!
Ultimate Fitness: The Strength Training Way!
This Step by Step manual is designed to guide and assist you in reachng all your fitness goals!
Quitters NEVER Win & Winners NEVER Quit!
Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life - Larry Winget!
You can have everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want! - Zig Ziglar
"Maximum Results in Minimum Time" Troy Huggett's Fitness Pros commitment and guarantee to our clients. Quit wasting your time training - get efficient, get results and get out and have fun. The 3 gets by Troy Huggett, M.S.
If you want 'Maximum Results in Minimum Time' go to and I'll get you there!