Trish Robichaud is a woman with a disability but she is NOT a disabled woman. In fact, she so passionately believes in empowerment for people living with chronic illness or disability that she’s launched the MOH-Club, short for My Optimal Health Club. "It’s a virtual health club created for people who are sick and tired of the 'being' side of sickness and motivated to try the 'doing' side of optimal health" says Robichaud.
Robichaud is a multiple award winning Disability Awareness Coach, Maximum Life & Business Coach, Author, Facilitator, Advocate & Motivational Speaker who lives with multiple sclerosis and major depression.
Trained in supportive counselling, self-advocacy, social action and life skills, Trish has been providing coaching, counselling and advocacy support to people with multiple sclerosis and other chronic illnesses for well over a decade. Minimizing her own MS symptoms through profound lifestyle changes, self-awareness, proper treatment and conflict and stress management, she has lived a very joyful and rewarding life despite her 20-year battle with depression.
Trish teaches people living with chronic illness or disability how to honour and accommodate their health while striving to achieve optimal health, personal fulfillment, work/life balance and entrepreneurial success through spiritual growth, confidence building and self-acceptance. She also teaches people how to build the confidence necessary to establish effective communication, set comfortable boundaries and nurture trust in their loving relationships.
For further information about Trish Robichaud and the MOH-Club, visit her at the MOH-Club, Download her OPTIMAL HEALTH KIT at
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." ~ Martin Luther King Jr
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