After surviving and overcoming a life threatening heart condition, Tony became an strong activist in the fight against chronic diseases. Through his own experience, the experiences of others, and the more than 15 years of dedicated self-study, research, classes, seminars, and conferences, Tony has a complete understanding of what causes chronic diseases in today’s modern, real world and why the rate of these diseases are so high among Americans.
Since overcoming his disease, Tony has worked as both a personal fitness trainer and health consultant, helping others to become healthy and stay healthy, and has written many articles on natural and organic nutrition, fitness, and living free from chronic diseases. Because he wants to continue to share the truths about disease, health and natural healing he founded, an online source of news and information about why chronic disease has become so prevalent in the United States today and what you can do to protect you and your family in today’s modern America.
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Of all the risk factors for chronic disease facing America today, perhaps the most serious is the severe shortage of natural, nutritious, chemical free food.
Genetic modification of food, chemical food toxins, and malnourishment in the United States are concepts that seems difficult for most Americans to accept but these are three major reasons for chronic disease in this country.
The unprecedented epidemic of chronic disease in the U.S. is the direct result of eating foods that have been striped of nearly all nutrient content and exposure to lethal doses of man-made chemicals in our air, water, and food. But as a society we have yet to come to terms with this reality.
To learn more about the real causes of chronic disease in the United States and what can be done to prevent it, go to and follow us on facebook and twitter.