Tom's specialty is business start up coaching. He works strategically with you to identify your optimum actions to create the business you most want to build.
He works with corporate employess who have yet to make the leap, small business owners and early stage entrepreneurs who want a firm but inspiring coach to encourage them, stretch them and to hold them accountable for completing essential actions.
Tom Volkar can get you off the dime and into action much faster than you think is possible. If you have a big business or career decision to make that you are not making he would be honored to guide you.
Business success is primarily an inside game.
Often a challenge like career turmoil or transition can signal the perfect opportunity to build one's own business. If you want a coach who can guide you in building a profitable business around your passion; Tom is the coach for you. True Calling inspired businesses are more fulfilling and prosperous.
"Vocaton is where you deep gladness meets the world's deep need." Buechner
"Fulfilling new businesses are much more easily created from scratch than from finding a model that ohers have used." Tom Volkar
Download my free eBook Nine Compass Points of Core Calling.
Send your name, phone number and best time to call to Tom Volkar to schedule a free Confidently Make the Leap Strategy session or call Tom directly at 724-823-0317.