I am 42 yearsof age and I ve been a webmaster for four great years I own over 50 websites and 25 of them is about dating or is dating website I am also employed by a succesful compnay that owns over 40 Dating websites I run customer service with.
A couple of my websites includes Biker4love.com and Sinlespositive.com and a couple of my affiliate sites are Millionairematch.com - Bikerkiss.com I also do customer service with these companys
I think owning and operating true dating sites is the best field I have found to be doing good for others in hooking people up with possable romance.
it has taken me four years to learn marketing dating. and I am still learning my self eveything I learned I sat out to learn on my own by talking with other people affiliated with dating But as theysay never give tips of your own marketing Ideals thatare working for you