Having lost a brother to drugs and alcohol; having lost twice as many Vietnam Vets to suicide than to the war itself;now losing on average 5 Iraqi vets a day to suicide compounded by drugs and alcohol as a result of PTSD - our country needs to get educated and not push drug abuse and alcoholism under the rug any longer. They are intricately related to mood disorders and the sooner we start treating people for their disorders, the sooner our expenses for penal establishments, health care, and issues of general health will come under control.
Depression, Anxiety and Addiction
A blog of the intense learning curve I went through as a mood disorder (depression) almost destroyed my life.
It occurred to me after going through treatment myself, that my fear of going to a sober living was based purely on the fact that I knew nothing about sober living. I had a distinct image in my mind that the properties were fleabag residences and the people were mostly ex-cons. Not until a brochure was shown to me and a family intervention forced me to follow up my treatment with sober living did I go.
The experience was so positive that I ended up owning and operating two houses for a few years. But in that time I was amazed at how many people who told me they were coming to sober living never did.And inevitably I saw them back in treatment two or three times a year.
One day I realized that the same fear that had gripped me was causing many good people to miss one of the most critical pieces of the treatment puzzle - that supportive, sober time you can have while insulated from the outer world at least to some degree. That stint of sobriety, be it 30 days or 6 months or more, is enough to give someone true confidence that he or she can make it over those relapse humps. It also gives good doctors or counselors time to see you around enough to perhaps diagnose a mood disorder at the root of your problems.
In any event, I am dedicating the rest of my life to preventing others from falling victim to their own fear by developing the largest database of sober livings and halfway houses in the world. Much of what a user sees in the search results is visual, including a picture of the manager, to get them past their social phobias. I'd sure appreciate your spreading the word around that 8000 houses are visible on soberlivingsearch.com, and we need houses to join the site to finish beautifying their pages. Hopefully this effort will help get more people get to a place they really need to go to strengthen their treatment program - a sober living or halfway house. The full name of the site is Sober Living Halfway House Search, and we also allow houses to take a public pledge to best serve their guests in certain ways, enabling them to join the STARR Network of sober Livings.