Tessa Stowe teaches small business owners and recovering salespeople 10 simple steps to turn conversations into clients without being sales-y or pushy. Sign-up for her FREE monthly newsletter that is full of tips on how to sell your services by just being yourself at http://www.salesconversation.com
The biggest compliment I receive is that I do not act like or seem like a salesperson. I just love it when people say that to me. Selling to me is not about selling; it is about being a facilitator and helping people solve their problems. Hence, when people say to me I am not like a salesperson, that is a compliment and I know I am doing a good job.
Hello! My name is Tessa Stowe and I would like to share with you strategies that are guaranteed to help you sell more of your services. Each month, in my Sales Conversation newsletter, I'll reveal a strategy or tip which, if applied, will bring you more clients no doubt. And here's Tip #1: to sell successfully, be yourself. Do not act like a salesperson.
The Sales Conversation newsletter is the answer for you and your bottom line. Without any of the usual jargon, you will learn straightforward, simple strategies and tips which will help you be the answer to your prospect's needs through a completely natural process.
You can register to receive my newsletter at http://salesconversation.com/sbocc/