Susan Sagebrush is a Sensitive, a Mystic and a Spiritual Healer.
After a near-death experience Susan suddenly became aware of a
gift for healing and a new awareness of energy. Her sensitivities
help her understand how energy works in our daily lives and by
learning to work with the energy you give your life a
"power-boost". Susan is helping sensitives to take ownership of
their gift and helping people to understand their power in
co-creating life with the universe. Her enlightened message comes
through in fun and lighthearted stories designed to heal and
entertain sensitives and spiritualist alike.
I have an ability. There I’ve said it. An ABILITY.
“What does that mean?” Folks will ask. “Like a superhero kind of ability?”
"I am a sensitive" I will say, to which I am then faced dead on with a dear in the headlights look.
How do you react to a statement like that! Being "sensitive" isn't exactly high on society’s list of superheroes or abilities. After all, one can’t exactly tuck a Kleenex box under a cape, or tell a criminal that his gunfire is too loud. Folks with sensitivities generally rather hide than go out and embrace life; not exactly superhero material.
But then I get to explain that I am just not any old ordinary breed of sensitive, but a chakra-feeling, emotional-barometer, pain-sensing hyper-sensitive.
I feel my chakras react with the ups and downs of life. Yeah that’s right, my chakras. Trust me, you haven’t lived until you’ve had a solar plexus snap shut because your boss just shortened your work deadline. Not pretty let me tell you. I can reach out with my hands and sometimes feel a strong electrical charge running though my palms as I am observing another's energy field. I'm very aware of things. Too many things. More information than I care to have sometimes. But thank God I can't read thoughts! Thank you, thank you God for that! I am however learning that our words and languages are limiting in nature. I am learning there is another form of communication through the heart. In your vibes. When you’re tuned in, you can feel what another person is feeling. It changes everything.
I like to believe that as a part of evolution, we are all becoming sensitive. I realize that if we had a world of hyper-sensitives, as icky as that sounds, our world would come to a screeching halt and a world of peace would emerge. As you are exposed to such sensitivities it changes your perspective of others. You become acutely aware that what you are about to say may cause an emotional charge within them, one that you too will experience. Chances are you will want to avoid that. (trust me) And in turn since the other is sensitive as well, they will understand fully where you are coming from.
So like most sensitives, I have been known to push buttons, pot stir, and create hardship. I also play dumb, kick, scream and yes...hold my breath. But all the while, I am knowing that we are clearing our issues, changing our beliefs and finding the steps to get us home to a state of peace.
I don't have it all figured out. I’m more like a sensitive on training wheels or maybe even a mystic in a training bra. But I learn more every day. And I'm sharing as I go. I hope you will join me on this journey.