Stephen is an expert and coach in releasing human potential and has over twenty years experience of achieving outstanding results for his clients. They include some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations, and many hundreds of personal clients who have all benefited from his engaging and supportive style of working.
Stephen's specialist area is the innate talent that all people posess, but few fully realise. In helping his clients discover, harness and use their talent he is able to help them make the most of their real potential, and live more satisfying, fulfilling and succesful lives.
He also works with businesses to help them deploy people in roles more suited to their talents, adopting the philosophy of, when people do what they do well, they feel better, more energised and fulfilled, and people who feel like that are more productive. It's a win/win approach to making life better for people and businesses alike
He is a professional marketer, High-Growth coach, certified in a variety of Psychometric instruments including McQuaig, Social Styles, Mapp, and a certified Highlands affiliate.
His simple message to anyone seeking growth is :-
“The world of Neuro-science shows us that you have natural, inborn, innate talents; and these are at the heart of your untapped potential. Those talents give you the opportunity to achieve mastery in a particular field if you take the trouble to discover what is special about you, and focus your future to making the most of those talents.