Dr Toby Silverton & Dr Bev McLagan are personal coaches, therapists, educators, speakers and authors. They hold PhD's in Counselling Psychology, are Registered Clinical Counsellors, members of the International Coach Federation and founding members of the International Association of Coaches. They are known for their ground-breaking work in the areas of self-identity, balance, burnout and eating disorders.
They are committed to helping their international group of clients achieve personal and professional success without compromising their quality of life. Since 1982, they have developed a speciality in working with womens' multi-focused lives, with all the concurrent challenges and pressures that accompany them.
Their ebooks, The Burnout Trap: Bounce Back from Over-busy, Over-tired and Overwhelmed!, and Learn to Say NO Fast! are a result of over 2 decades of sharing with clients the challenges, struggles and pressures of living in an ever increasing world of stress.
With the signs and symptoms of burnout at an epidemic level once again, their coaching style combines a unique mix of self-exploration, self-renewal and self-management.
Silverton-McLagan Identity Coaching (Dr Toby Silverton & Dr Bev McLagan)
Our website: http://www.livethesolution.com
Our blog: http://www.biggerthanbalanceblog.typepad.com
Our email: coach@livethesolution.com
Our phone: (604)241-0810 (pacific time)