Sher Smith is a Registered Nurse, Registered Polarity Practitioner, Registered Cranial Sacral Therapist and Educational Kinesiology Instructor who has been involved in the holistic health field since 1979. As a metaphysical graduate, the ancient rituals, esoteric teachings and healing practices of the ages continue to be ongoing areas of study and interest.
Her professional training is varied and comprehensive (including studies in Cranial Sacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills and the Upledger Institute), and certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Educational Kinesiology, Reiki and Touch for Health.
Sher was the founding President of the Ontario Polarity Therapy Association, is a member of the American Polarity Therapy Association (having served as Past-Vice-President of the Board of Directors), is a member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association of the United Kingdom and is Director of the Realizing Your Potential School of Polarity Therapy.
Sher is the Canadian Faculty for Brain Gym® with the Educational Kinesiology Foundation in Ventura, California and is an EnKA Certified Practitioner, having attained Level 3 standing (highest level) with EnKA (Energy Kinesiology Association) in the United States
For more about Brain Gym, Polarity Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy and upcoming courses contact Sher Smith RN, RPP, RCST or visit: