Real Love Melts Monsters!
Read the book "Real Love" and take advantage of the resources on, where you will learn the principles that will make dramatic changes in your individual life and in all your relationships.
Coaching with Sharon Winningham you will learn answers to the following questions:
In order to be happy, what we all want more than anything else is to feel loved. Even the Beatles knew that "All you need is love" but not just any kind of love will do. We need Real Love, unconditional love. It's Real Love when other people care about our happiness without any concern for themselves. When we make our foolish mistakes, when we don't do what they want, or even when we inconvenience them personally, they're not disappointed or angry.
Sadly, few of us have received that kind of love with any degree of consistency. Instead, from the time we were children, we saw that when we were "good" (when we behaved in the ways that other people liked) we received a great deal of approval in the form of smiles, kind words, pats on the back, and so on. We also saw, however, that when we were "bad" (when we were loud, ungrateful, disobedient, and otherwise inconvenient) the signs of approval were replaced in an instant with frowns, facial expressions, and tones of voice that clearly expressed disappointment, disapproval, and irritation. From those patterns of behavior we learned this powerful lesson: When you're good, I love you; when your not, I don't.
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How do I do it?
If you have a desire to acquire more Real Love—and in the process find great personal happiness and more fulfilling relationships than you ever thought possible—I suggest three approaches that I will describe in ascending order of effectiveness and difficulty.
Before describing these approaches, however, let me compare finding Real Love and genuine happiness to the physical training of an athlete. Suppose you wish to become minimally fit, just a step above couch potato. In that case, if I were your trainer, I would prescribe a minimally rigorous course of physical exercise—perhaps a few trips to the mail box each day. If you wish to become thoroughly fit, however, I would prescribe a strenuous course of exercise.
The higher your goal of fitness, the more work will be involved.
The same is true with finding Real Love and genuine happiness. It requires some effort on our parts. If you want to eliminate anger, fill your life with happiness, and experience greater joy in your relationships than you can imagine at this point, that will require more effort than if you want to just gain a little intellectual understanding about Real Love as a principle. I hasten to add, however, that the effort required to find Real Love is actually less than the effort we now spend on Getting and Protecting Behaviors. Lying, attacking, acting like victims, running, and clinging require enormous effort, to the point that they usually utterly exhaust us.
Now, let me suggest three progressively difficult and effective programs for finding Real Love and the happiness you want.
First Level
Second Level
Third Level
Parenting, Real Love in Dating, Real Love in the workplace and so on.
As you apply what you learn from these materials, your life will change in ways you cannot imagine.
Sharon Winningham, Certified Real Love Coach 602-405-0144
for pricing and testimonies
Books, CD’s and DVD’s are available for sale in my office. Or you can order them online at
I do coaching all over the world. Because of SKYPE (free service) we can coach face-to-face! Ask me how!
Sharon A Winningham, ULLC
In the moment, we forget that no matter how good Imitation Love feels—praise, power, pleasure, safety—it always wears off and leaves us empty.
Our mission is to bring people together, enrich people's lives, and ultimately make the world a better place.
We celebrate diversity with loving hearts!