Sergio DiazGranados, an ex-troubled teen and the director of the Teen Support Institute of Los Angeles has been working directly with troubled teens for twenty years. In the 90's and early 2000's he used to produce rave parties and publish a music magazine working directly with many troubled youth in Los Angeles. While connecting with these teens he was considered the "responsible one" and many came to him for advice. The magazines goal was to spoon feed spiritual, environmental, and health issues to this young audience. In exploring this role further he became a Teen Life Coach in 2003 and has been working directly with teens on supporting them transition into adulthood while helping parents build stronger relationships with their teens. Sergio also worked in the personal growth, spiritual, health, and green media industry with Dragonfly Media, Conscious Enlightment, and Gaiam for seven years where he helped manage sites such as,, and His mission is to bring conscious parenting to the masses as he believes parenting is in the "how" and that teens need to be empowered to make their own choices and discover their authentic self.