Scott Wardell has a Masters Degree in School Counseling and a Specialist Degree in School Administration. He has twenty-eight years of counseling and educational experience. Scott is a Past President of the Minnesota Association of Middle Level Educators. He’s a father of three children and has personally experienced the challenges that comes with parenting and helping children succeed.
Scott has presented at numerous parenting workshops, educational in-services and has been a keynote speaker on topics involving Child Development, School Bullies and Parenting.
Scott is the creator, author and editor of; a Website devoted to assisting parents with informational articles and online counseling services. offers parents hundreds of free child development and parenting articles on elementary, middle and high school students. ScottCounseling articles provide parents with "how to" advice, strategies and techniques that improve parenting skills.
Visit for online e-mail counseling services today! Get your free:
…a $19.95 value!
You will also receive the ScottCounseling Newsletter that comes to your email for free!
Parents who subscribe by going to “Ask A Counselor” and requesting the ebook will also receive the
newsletter that features weekly parenting “Hot Topic” tips for
elementary, middle and high school children. The newsletter will also
include child development articles, academic and homework tips as well
as parenting guides for discipline and communication for all ages. The Parenting For Success eBook,
is the “ultimate child development and parenting handbook!” This eBook
includes information on parenting philosophy, parenting styles,
communication and discipline techniques as well as child mental health
and developmental topics.
Bonus Counseling Package!
During the month of April and May, everyone who request to receive the free weekly ScottCounseling Newsletter and the ScottCounseling Parenting For Success eBook will also receive one free Counseling Session Question from a ScottCounseling counselor.
Parenting a child can be a challenge. It can also be exciting, disappointing, insightful, amazing and unpredictable. Parents, you are not alone! We need to work together and "team" with each other while we raise and educate our children to become responsible, capable adults.
No parent has all the answers! No book, no presenter, no teacher, coach, or youth leader is always 100% successful. We are all capable, however, of learning, adapting and changing to help meet our child's needs. provides some answers to common and uncommon parenting questions and needs. provides parents of elementary, middle and high school children with hundreds of free parenting and child development articles. ScottCounseling also offers online counseling services at an afforable rate.
Visit ScottCounseling at: