Dr. Scott Johnson drastically changed his life as a result of being diagnosed with a chronic illness, ankylosing spondylitis. After being treated with modern western medicine unsuccessfully, he sought alternative methods to take care of his health concern. After a significant amount of research, he happened upon herbs that benefited his health. This gave Scott a great desire to learn more about health and alternative healing methods. He graduated from college with a doctorate in naturopathy.
Scott has helped numerous people learn how to manage their health concerns through natural and non-invasive methods. He received his Professional Coaching Certificate through Fowler Wainwright International Institute and now helps inspire wellness-minded individuals to achieve their health and wellness goals through tailored wellness coaching.
Scott is the author of two books, "The Word of Wisdom: Discovering the LDS Code of Health" and "Jeremy's Christmas Journey."
He possesses a vast knowledge of natural health, herbs, disease management, life and wellness coaching, homeopathic remedies, dietary supplements, nutrition, essential oils and naturopathy. He utilizes this knowledge to help others learn how to support the natural healing power of the body. His practice of naturopathy has given him a personal witness of the healing power of natural methods and the body's ability to heal itself.