Educated at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Southern California, Scott Barley has always been known as one to not only leave no stone unturned, but to leave no turn un-stoned as a savvy guest speaker. An accomplished radio broadcaster for nearly a decade, asking questions, and more importantly, seeking answers is second nature for Scott Barley.
Scott lives a short drive from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. In his spare time, he is an avid traveler, reader, writer and cyclist.
Cevada Publishing: Every book has a purpose. What is the purpose of Ask!?
Scott Barley: We are all born with an innate need to know more -- more about the world around us, more about friends and family, even more about ourselves. Unfortunately, when it comes to personal relationships, far too few of us know where to begin much less take the initiative and act upon this basic instinct.
Despite our varied talents, the art of effective communication is a constant challenge. I wrote Ask! as a way to enhance meaningful dialog for people within of all kinds of relationships.
I like to remind people that despite the fact that the average person has a vocabulary between 25,000 and 150,000 words, people still have a hard time communicating. Ask! is a starting point for discovery, understanding and answers -- one question at a time.
Cevada Publishing: Where did you get the idea to write this book?
Scott Barley: Initially, I started writing questions as a way to get to know people better shortly after moving to a new city years ago. Eventually, the list of questions grew from a few dozen to several hundreds and has developed into the book that exists today.
Cevada Publishing: How long did it take you to write Ask!?
Scott Barley: I have worked on this book for the last seven years.
Cevada Publishing: Aren't there other books out there similar to Ask!?
Scott Barley: Similar, but not the same. My book deals strictly with actual life events. Many books out there involve hypothetical situations where readers are asked to decide what their preferred outcome would be. One book even has a whopping 4,000 questions! That's just too many questions. Ask! has just enough questions about specific areas of life to move the process along. At some point, obviously, it's up to the individual to take it to the next level.
Cevada Publishing: What question in Ask! is your favorite?
Scott Barley: While many come to mind within the 10 chapters, two stick out in my mind. The first is, "What makes you interesting?" I think this is a great questions because it often leaves people speechless. I think they begin to wonder, in fact, if they even qualify as being interesting in the first place -- which is a discussion unto itself.
My second favorite question is the last question in the entire book: "Did you answer every question in this book truthfully?" Regardless of how people respond, I still know some will not answer this question honestly. I hope in time everyone will, as this is vital to the purpose of this book.
Cevada Publishing: Who do you think is the ideal person for this book?
Scott Barley: I know this sounds like I'm trying to sell this book, but anyone who wants better communication with friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, business colleagues ... all are candidates for this book. I really see this book helping everybody. I can't see where it wouldn't.
Cevada Publishing: Do you see yourself writing a sequel to this book?
Scott Barley: I have already begun addition books to this series: "Ask! Again", "Ask! for Couples", "Ask! for Parents", "Ask! Before You Marry", and "Ask! for Kids."
Cevada Publishing: Where can people learn more about this book or more about you?
Scott Barley: They can go to or my website for more information.
"Rolling your eyes, while a form of communication, is not the best way to get your message across."
"Relationships (business and personal) tend to fail because one or more basic concepts are being ignored: commitment, compromise and communication. I repeat (to most of the men out there) COM-MUN-I-CA-TION."
"The average person has between a 25,000 and 150,000 word vocabulary and still has a difficult time communicating. To put that into perspective, a dog simply barks to communicate."
"Why are men poor communicators? For some, it's simply a lack of interest. Many men out there have more interest in their own fantasy football teams than their girlfriends or wives. Women, maybe you should make a career change and join a fantasy team."
"Women are also to blame. Many know more details about who Paris Hilton is dating and the terms of Britney Spears' divorce than simple details about their own boyfriend or husband, unless Paris or Britney just happens to be involved with their own boyfriend or husband."
"Ask! was written not only to challenge each reader to think, but to compel everyone to look within themselves, quite possible for the very first time."
Chapter 1: All About You
(page 21)
Do you believe you have some
greater purpose in life?
If so, what are you doing to achieve this?
If nothing, why not?
Chapter 2: Best and Worst
(page 95)
Describe a favorite summertime memory.
(What first comes to mind?)
Chapter 3: Childhood & Family Life
(page 116)
Are you closer to a particular friend
than to a sibling?
If so, explain why this is so.
Chapter 4: Have You Ever...?
(page 164)
Have you ever thrown something
during an argument?
Has someone ever thrown something
at you during an argument?
Chapter 5: Looking Back
(page 206)
Describe a time when you regretted
giving up.
Chapter 6: Professional Life
(page 263)
Have you ever lied to a boss as to
why you were late to work
or didn't come in at all?
Chapter 7: Relationships
(page 286)
Describe your first kiss.
Chapter 8: Sex
(page 321)
Have you ever used a turtleneck or other
piece of clothing to hide a mark on your
body as the result of intimate contact?
Chapter 9: Self Matters
(page 367)
Describe something you did that was
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous You
(page 420)
What is the most dangerous thing
you have ever done?
Empower Yourself ... Ask!
For more information, go to or
To contact Scott Barley directly, send emails to scott@scottbarleyonline.
For interviewing, speaking engagements and any information on Ask! A Book of Discovery, send inquiries to
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