Sandy Chernoff, RDH, B.Sc., has practised Dental Hygiene since 1968 and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Education. For ten years Sandy & a colleague co-mentored the first Canadian Dental Hygiene Study Club. In addition, Sandy was both a didactic and clinical instructor at the Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene for 4 years.
As a soft skills trainer & consultant, Sandy has taught a variety of courses for Continuing Dental Education at UBC, Dental Dynamics, BCIT, Capilano College, University of the Fraser Valley, Dental Hygiene Study Clubs, BC Institute of Chartered Accountants, Certified General Accountants of BC, Greater Vancouver Home Builder’s Association, Elsanet, Association of Professional Engineers and Geo-Scientists, Law Society of BC, several unions, numerous large law firms, businesses, individuals, and professional and volunteer organizations.
Since 1995, Sandy has presented Soft Skills Training Seminars to audiences from Victoria to New York City.
In 2014, Sandy published her book: 5 Secrets to Effective Communication which is a communication handbook to demystify the complexities of communication so that the reader can learn to do it better.
Her energetic, humorous, and interactive presentation style provides her sessions with variety and pace making the atmosphere most conducive to retentive learning.
You can find out more about her work on her website: