Since 1999, Rosemary Chieppo of Born to Organize ( has been making her living doing what most people hate to do: organizing! The costs of disorganization are enormous: time, money and stress. She is passionate about the benefits of an organized lifestyle, and her goal is to share those benefits with as many people as possible. Rosemary writes for the New Haven Register, and has been featured in numerous magazines including Connecticut, Better Homes and Gardens, Lifestyles in Connecticut, More, and Connecticut Home & Garden. She has been a regular television guest on Connecticut’s WTNH (New Haven) and WFSB (Hartford). Rosemary is the author of Clutter, Chaos & the Cure (KIWI Publishing, 2007).
"The first half of life is a shopping spree, the second half is a tag sale."
"Progress might have been all right once, but it has gone on too long."
Designer Dieter Rams: "less, but better..." Having fewer (and better) objects means there's less to make space for, less to clean, etc. Consider it the luxury of reduction.
Advertisers'/marketers' goal is not to make us happier, it's to make us THINK we'll be happier by buying more stuff.