Just as the acorn is destined to become the giant oak, each of us is born with an Entelekey, a unique potential to fulfill during the course of our lives. Unfortunately, many of us are busy trying to turn our acorns into pine trees and we don't even know it. What we do know, however, is that we're struggling, frustrated and dissatisfied. We do know that our lives could be different. We do know that we yearn for something more.
Whether, it's in the area of Healh, Relationships, Finances, Home, Career,
Organization or Creativity, that yearning within is the voice of your Entelekey seeking to express itself in the world. It's an invitation to raise the bar and become more of who you were born to be.
Entelekey's coaching, consulting and speaking services are designed to do just that. We help you raise the bar on yourself - to align your thoughts and actions with that voice - no matter what message it's sending or how impossible it seems. We teach, guide and support you in expanding your sense of self while learning How to cultivate your Entelekey - allowing it to grow and eventually, taking on a life of its own.
Having worked with people of all ages, from all walks of life and under all kinds of circumstances, we've found the following to be true: When you honor yourself by living in alignment with who you were born to be, rather than who you think you should be, life begins to transform itself. You struggle less, enjoy more and achieve marvelous results along the way.
Rory Cohen is known for her expertise on the psychology of success. She is the founder of Entelekey, Inc. a company dedicated to providing simple products and services that support people in fulfilling their potential. She has made her Take 10! system, a powerful and uniquely simple system for achieving extraordinary results, available in the newly released, Take 10! How to Achieve Your Someday Dreams in 10 Minutes a Day.
Rory has been a featured guest on various television and radio shows, including The View, CNN, and Public Radio. Her national print media appearances include the September 2006 cover story, “Start a Business in 10 Minutes a Day”, for Entrepreneur Magazine and a spread in People Magazine.
Rory holds a Masters degree in Health Administration from Yale University and a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. She has over twenty years of experience in executive leadership, management consulting, training and coaching.