Roni, Reisha, Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein, Mommy,
“Artist of LOVE,
WHOLE-istic enLIGHTenment GuideLIGHT
WHOLE-istic Wisdom & Wellness Life Coach
Ontological Literary Artist~~Writer & Philosopher
Universal Humanist~In Lak'ech, and
Earth Angel Goddess Nymph
of ~for~though the BEINGness of
LOVE's Light
for the
BEnefit of ALL,
courageously chose to
“walk a pathway less traveled….”
In opening herself, and accepting love from within Self, Roni welcomed the recognition of her Personal Legend, and was blessed the awareness of her unique gifted tools.
As Roni learned to release her illusory fears and embrace SELF, lovingly, she found herself openly sharing her experiences, her Sacred Soul Writing. Just as smoothly, naturally, those with whom she shared these SELF enlightening insights, were themselves, inspired to walk their own journeys, in the Awareness of their radiant souls.
In 2000, at the peak of its 11 years ascension, Roni chose to leave behind a lucrative career, providing PR & Advertising within the Fashion & Entertainment Industries, to lovingly dedicate her Self, Life, and BEingness to
Radiate her Soul’s Light.
And Radiate she so did!... a healing of ego through freedom of Soul, and the blessed gift bestowed unto We, her first literary compilation, humbly created for our inspired realization. “Radiate Soul Light”, whose wisdom inspired Roni to officially register and create,
Sanctuaire Soul’s Sanctuary,
yOUR Wisdom and Wellness Community Lounge:
“a home where judgment has no breath,
and the path to self-discovery is one
paved by compassion, dedication, &
a lovingly learn-ed hand.”
To journey YOUr own adventure with Roni's lovingly learn-ed hand of guidance,
get in touch with Roni directly:
roni {at} 1isall {dot com}
Journeys are available via email and skype :)
Roni, always the thorough, logical scientist, has made full use of her former, traditional training, including a degree in Psychology and certificate in Public Relations, from McGill University, as well as continued education through several professional training seminars, and 20 years of dedicated independent scholary studies. Concurrently, Roni attained certification as a Professional Fitness Trainer and Nutritional Consultant~services sought to this day through Sanctuaire Soul's Sanctuary.
Yes, there was much commercialism, materialism, capitalism, politics and FEAR upon her travels, and thankFully so, for without these, Roni would not KNOW the TRUTHs she DOes today, the Wisdom with which she gently provides her guidance to ALL whom so seek, in LOVE's Light for the BEnefit of ALL.
Roni acknowledges, always, her blessings sublime, for within each & every moment of perceived ILLUSORY suffering was an enormity of Opportunity & Blessings including ALL those whom have offered LOVingly & continue to so DO, their esteemed guidance, wisdom, experience, & LOVing embrace along Roni’s continuous pathway of enlightened awareness.
There is one, to whom the lessons, enlightenment and loving growth of Soul~SELF~TRUTH have BEen so inspired, blessed through the purity of their LOVE and the humble guidance of their wizened soul~SELF, as to provide Roni the impetus to ACTion, and thus fulfillment of her Personal Legend.
He is her Greatest Universal Gift,
her Blessing Supreme,
her child of LOVE,
Zion Alleister.
All my heart and soul,
my body, mind
and all that makes me whole.
*****To book Roni for a
LIVE SPEAKING engagement,
get in touch with
soulsfamily {at} 1isall {dot com}*****