Ron Fitzgerald has over 45 years of experience as a school and college teacher, superintendent of schools, state director of educational research, and speaker and consultant in over 16 states. He specializes in helping educators implement brain-friendly (accelerated) teaching and quality management systems.
Ron maintains three websites:
1. , his primary site with dozens of articles and resources
2. , a sister site that lists reviewed books that can help educators pursue brain-friendly teaching and continuous improvement in learning results.
3. , a site that describes his new learning handbook for teenagers and that will eventually add other tips on how to learn.
He earned a B.S. in zoology, an M.S. in edducational administration, and a D.Ed. in educational administration from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Massachusetts. His special interest is providing awareness and how-to workshops and follow-up assistance on brain-friendly teaching and quality management in schools. His book SMART TEACHING: USING BRAIN RESEARCH AND DATA TO CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE LEARNING (available on the #2 website above) is one of the only resources that describes how-to details in both brain-friendly teaching and continuous improvement on the basis of many years of successful experience in operating a school with these systems. He has taught an interactive television course on 21st Century Teaching Techniques for the University of Massacchusetts in Boston and has helped dozens of school districts implement programs in his areas of special interest. His new how-to publication BRAIN-FRIENDLY LEARNING: A POWERFUL HANDBOOK FOR TEENAGERS (January of 2010, Dog Ear Publishing) will be an important resource for teenagers, their parents, and schools where the staff wishes to provide more help on how to learn most effectively. The new handbook will also be a powerful aid for adults who wish to improve their learning and career planning.
Books: Go to the web sites and .
Free Newsletters: Go to the site ; click on the newsletter button and select your topic on the page that appears. A great new series on CLASSROOM TIPS FOR BRAIN-FRIENDLY TEACHING starts with Issue #6.
Pretending that every person learns or thinks in exactly the same way is like pretending that everyone is exactly the same height.
Failing to use brain-friendly teaching techniques to recognize individual differences is educational malpractice.
Television and other visual media have promoted even more development of our naturally existing brain circuits for visual learning. Teachers and trainers who ignore this are making a serious mistake.
Use of W. Edward Deming's Profound Knowledge principles can facilitate continuous improvement in education and learning more effectively than any government mandate or reform, especially if the model of brain-friendly teaching is used with Deming's principles.
You can contact Dr. Fitzgerald with email at . His mailing address is:
Dr. Ron Fitzgerald
26 Forest Rd.
Acton, MA 01720-4509