Dr. Roger Jahnke, health systems futurist and developer of innovative, cost efficient corporate health and productivity programming, is CEO of Health Action Synergies, a consulting and training group specializing in comprehensive design, modeling and implementation of vitality and performance maximization programming. Dr. Jahnke's group has created innovative models for health status assessment and health enhancement programming for both institutions and communities. In addition, Health Action helped originate a prototype for the "clinic of the future", a multidisciplinary health resource center which unites conventional medicine with health status assessment, aggressive health promotion (self-care, wellness) and proven complementary medical therapies. Dr. Jahnke forecasts that the health cost crisis will be resolved when visionary leadership catalyzes genuine, citizen centered, behaviorally based, continuous health improvement in the home, at school and at work.
"The human body-mind produces the most profound medicine ever created -- for FREE!"
------- from The Healer Within (Harper-Collins)
"Every individual has a natural relationship with the awesome power of the universe - the Qi -- it is the essence of health, creativity, sexuality, productivity, vision, intelligence and inner peace. Every person, family and corporation benefits by purposefully harnessing this incredible natural resource."
------- from The Healing Promise of Qi (McGraw-Hill)
"Every company has a innovative new "product" that is its next BIG profit center. No sales required, no new assembly line. It is vitality and wellbeing of the employees. By simply re-allocating ideas and resources this new profit center can begin to produce enhanced profit by eliminating waste and maximizing productivity.
Our socieity can begin to save nearly $2 Trillion annually by simply stopping the treatment of preventable diseases and simply preventing preventable diseases.
Many citizens and a quickly widdening array of corporations are doing this.
Healthy people are naturally more productive, waste less resources and increase profitability.
It is not just easy to say, it is easy to do."
------ from the Health Action Concept Brief - http://HealthAction.net
"When each person does the smaller job of taking care of his or her self - the larger job of taking care of everyone is spontaneousluy complete."
----- from the Healer Within (Harper-Collins)
Free Consult - 805-617-3390
EMail anytime - DrJahnke@HdealthAction.net
Health Action Synergies
Santa Barbara, California
Comprehensive and Integrated ----
Wellness, Productivity Enhancement
and Integrative Medicine ----
Modeling, Design and Programming
For a New Era in American Innovation
The Synergy Family of Sites -
http://HealthAction.net. - the Synergy umbrella corporation
http://HealerWithinFoundation.org – Domestic and International Service Foundation
http://CircleOfLife.net – Coaching (Wellness and Life Strategies) Institute
http://TaiChiEasy.org – accessible Mind/Body Practice
http://IIQTC.org – Mind/Body Practice Training Institute
http://FeelTheQi.com – Dr Jahnke’s Mind/Body Energetics work
http://HealerWithin.com – based on Dr. Jahnke’s book, The Healer Within