COACHLYON is a native Californian, and graduate of UC Berkeley, in the ‘60’s. He served in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica, where he later opened an “American” restaurant. This launched him on a 27-year career in Culinary Arts, culminating as a full-time Chef Instructor. After ‘retiring’ from his Culinary career, he discovered Life Coaching, and in 2002, became a Certified Empowerment Coach. For over 25 years he has been actively involved in Community Service, Human Growth & Awareness work, Metaphysical Studies, and Spiritual Practices.
Richard A. Lyon, CEC
COACHLYON-THE Pre-Retirement Coach
8795 La Riviera Dr., Ste. 133,
Sacramento, CA 95826
T: 916-739-6432 / eF: 208-330-1732