I am an expert in Exorcisms, Psychic Warfare, Soul Healing, Angelology,Demonology,Energy Healing, Long Distance Healing, Astral Healing, and much more. I have been on the web for over 10 years and am the original Astral Healer. I have a good reputation and have helped many people
I started being interested in psychic abilities and the occult when I was sixteen years old. I was hypnotized and found out that I had been reincarnated. They also tested me for psychic abilities and I was found to be a high-functioning clairvoyant. I was able to see what was in a desk drawer in a room next door and describe what was in a box. I described the cotton filling and a beautiful antique garnet brooch. I was interested in unusual subjects from that moment onward.
I did countless exorcisms in the first 12 years of study. I helped out everyone in the group I was in that had made mistakes. I also helped many others who asked the group for help with their spiritual problems. I left the group and I have continued doing exorcisms and removing curses for others. People from all religions have had problems recently and I feel this is because we are all interconnected and need to heal ourselves, our countries and our land. It is all about choices and the actions that result from those choices
I have been doing astral healing, distant healing, spirit releases, exorcisms, house cleansing and blessing, soul restoring and retrieval ,transforming your life, psychic vampire removal, house blessings and curse removal and much more for 40 years. I have done so many exorcisms of people and more than that of houses that I can not count them. If I do not know a method to help you then I design one.
I am an Ordained Minister. I have been a minister for11 years now but I believe like the Church I joined that there is one God by whatever name he or she is called. It is a ministry which means you can be of any religion, or of any belief system. It is the Church of the Seven Planes, and has classes where you can study and work upon your knowledge.
I am a published autor with my book Solving Psychic Attack being sold on Amazon and Weaving Dreams Publishing. I will be publishing a second book Sensible Spirituality on Amazon. I have taught classes, and done many radio interviews so people can find the information to help themselves
We are all connected to everyone and everything in the universe.Therefore, everything one does as an individual affects the whole.All thoughts, words, images, prayers, blessings,and deeds are listened to by all that is.- Serge Kahili King
I feel that this quote is very true. Everyone who is human has the same emotions and the same things we all have to endure,enjoy, love and interact with others. We all as human beings make choices that affect everyone else in the world. We all can affect a group of people, a town, a city, a state, a country or the world by our ideas, choices and actions.
The Internet was developed by only a few men and look how much it influences the world. It is impressive if you look at how the actions of one person can make a difference for everyone. Inventions such as electricity, phones, and computers also affected the entire world.
The way we treat others also cause ripples and can change the world. The World Wars are an example of this and Vietnam is the first time the United States felt defeat over the political choices of a few. All of our choices make it so we affect others in one way or another. The actions of our countries generate the same sort of energies as our deciding how to treat our family or our co-workers.
Countries collect the energies of their choices and it has shown up in economics and in many other ways. We ought to treat others with kindness and love and the world will be a better place. We also have to release the energies of the bad choices and free out countries and our world from stagnating until we can not survive.
The countries that interact with many countries have had economic choices that are causing problems for the whole world. It is our interconnected choices and the linking energies of our actions that connect us to the rest of the world. We are all connected and all being affected by the same problems. I have a land clearin project trying to help with these iss ues at http://www.astralhealer.com/?option=mod_news&task=view&id=524
I help and give advice to people during the dark moments of their lives. I help them to move forward into a positive giving life with good choices. People who need spiritual help also have to realize that the only way they can be cured is by learning to help themselves. No one can promise you that you will be cured completely only time and hard work will accomplish this goal.
I can remove any negative influences that can cause problems. I can be a partner in helping you to grow to the point where you overcome the reactions that are causing bad choices. I can teach you methods to help yourself so you can trust and depend upon yourself. I am about empowering people not making them dependent upon me or others. The only thing that can truly be depended upon is the help of God or the Divine in what ever form you worship. I help to connect you to the divine again after everything else has failed.
If you have a haunted house, problems with possession or obssession, possible curses and hexes I can help you to turn your life around. My website page of services is:
I have a great deal of information and free methods on my article page.
My book is sold at
I have many thoughts on my blog which is at
I hope to see you there.