Revered Karen B. Paris was ordained by the Ministry of Light Interfaith Church on December 7, 2005.
Reverend Paris’ spiritual journey began as a youth active in her church junior choir, teaching children and attending youth groups both mainstream and alternative.
Reverend Paris believes it is of the utmost importance that a church be focused on meeting the individual needs of its members with out being judgmental and foisting beliefs on another requiring them to change. She believes each persons spiritual journey is truly unique and deeply personal. She also believes a church should create an environment of warmth, love and compassion. Reverend Paris has found that in The Ministry of Light Interfaith Church.
Reverend Paris has an eclectic spiritual outlook and is also a High Priestess, Founder of the Circle of the Beloved Moon, Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained LEWA Clergy and Second Degree Cabot Witch. She is currently furthering her training taking classes in Holistic Life Coaching, Shamanism and The Temple of Witchcraft with Christopher Penczak. Reverend Paris teaches a wide variety of classes, provides spiritual counseling, Reiki sessions and is recognized by The Commonwealth of Virginia to officiate legal marriages.
Reverend Paris is a member in good standing of The International Association of Reiki Professionals, International Massage Association Reiki division, a Witchvox Sponsor and co-owner of corporation top 20 rated by The Washington Business Journal. The class schedule and additional services provided by Reverend Paris can be viewed at her website www.blessedbebooks.comand joining her woman only meet up group. Her online one stop metaphysical shop will be opening in 2011 and will be found at
Classes are taught in the colorful Reiki Room
Class Schedule
Herbcraft 101- Herbal Folklore
We will be beginning our journey properties of
herbs and the methods of preparation for herbal remedies.This 6 week class will teach you the methods used by the wise women of old to make tinctures, salves, liniments, herbal oils and more.
This series will meet once a month for 6 months on Wednesday nights. Make up classes will be available. This series consists of labs performed in class and home follow up. Each class will build on the next.
All materials for class and labs will be provided including textbook and handouts.
Class cost is $225.00 paid in installments of $75.00 at the first class and $30 at each of the 5 additional classes. Weekend intensives available for 1 on 1 training. Intensive prices add additional $75.00.
March 25, 2009 7-9pm
The Craft 201 $20.00
Elemental Tile, Fire
We will craft a tile to honor the element of Fire.
This class will be hands on wear clothes that can get messy!
April 1, 2009 7-9pm
Book of Shadows / Spiritual Journals
Those who have already bound your books will
Create a page to honor Air
Returning students $20.00
This class meets monthly you can begin any time.
Initial supplies cost $125.00 which includes:
Three 2 hour classes and supplies.
After included classes continuing classes cost $20
supplies included.
April 8, 2009 7-9pm
Sacred Circle- $15.00
Intention of Clarity
Class held outside weather permitting, by fireside.
Please wear close toed shoes for walking to circle area.
Handouts provided and amulet or talisman will be made.
To schedule your Reiki sesion or sign up for Reiki classes please email:
To come in for spiritual counseling, wedding/handfasting planing, christening/wiccaning or any other custom service or ritual please email:
To sign up for classes on guided meditation, Spiritual journaling/BOS, Sacred Circles, "The Craft" or initiate training please email:
For any of the above you may also call 571-220-7503