Renée Cormier is the President and owner of POWERHOUSE CONFERENCES, a company dedicated to working with people to produce better business results. Renée has spent the last 12 years as a training and development professional. She uses her experience in Business and Adult Education to develop and implement training programs that guarantee bottom line results! Clients say her learning sessions are lively, engaging and valuable.
To ensure clients’ business objectives are being met, POWERHOUSE CONFERENCES provides an orientation to the management team prior to the start of each in-house program and also provides follow-up coaching for the participants every 2 weeks for 12 weeks after the training to ensure smooth implementation of the learning objectives. Each workshop participant develops an action plan which is continually revised and is an integral part of the coaching process.
Passionate about the value of her learning programs, Renée partners with her clients to identify learning objectives that will increase productivity, efficiency and profit. She also works with her clients to determine the areas most affected by the learning sessions in order to calculate ROI. She delivers a variety of programs that include Customer Service, Leadership, Sales, Communication Skills, and more.
POWERHOUSE CONFERENCES provides clients with flexible scheduling and payment options to make it easy to achieve organizational effectiveness! We believe all businesses should be able to afford both the time and the money to build a stronger and more effective team.
An experienced manager and sales person, Renée has worked for large international companies and small businesses. She has first-hand knowledge of the impact effective training has on the bottom line.
To learn more about Renée Cormier and POWERHOUSE CONFERENCES, or to arrange a consultation, please phone (905)593-2778 (905)593-2778 or email: . You may also visit us on the web at . Blog:
Exerpt from Chapter One of Engaged for Growth!The only thing worse than being a bad leader, is being a bad leader with no desire to be better. I always say that ego is the greatest enemy of leadership because it is your ego that will interfere with your ability to improve. Your ego tells you, “I don’t need to be better” but the ego gives you a road you can run down endlessly and takes you far from the truth. Ego dominated managers are actually cowards who are filled with fear and who are unwilling to face the truth about themselves. Ego is a defence mechanism and as a defence mechanism, ego overcompensates for feelings of ineptitude by trying to keep others from looking good. Ego dominated bosses therefore, tend to do things like withhold information, devalue employees, compete with employees, dismiss input from employees, etc. The list of behaviours could go on forever, but the source is always the same: fear.
“People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader works in the open and the boss in covert. The leader leads and the boss drives.”
- Theodore Roosevelt “The first duty of a leader is optimism. How does your subordinate feel after meeting with you? Does he feel uplifted? If not, you are not a leader”.- Field Marshall Montgomery A boss creates fear, a leader, confidence. A boss fixes blame, a leader corrects mistakes. A boss knows all, a leader asks questions. A boss makes work drudgery, a leader makes it interesting.”- Russell H. Ewing, Author “There is no such thing as constructive criticism.”- Dale Carnegie
“I not only use all the brains that I have, but all I can borrow.”- Woodrow Wilson “Don’t tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”George S. Patton
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