Ph. D. in Vedic psychology, Maharishi University of Management. Dissertation research on The Mother and Baby program of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, specifically designed for a more smooth and rapid recovery after childbirth for new mothers, to restore vitality and happiness. And to balance the physiology of the baby. Learn more from the ebook "New beginnings for New Moms" at
Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention, which has received 25 million dollars in grants from the National Institute of Health to do research on the health benefits of the Transcendental Meditation technique (TM). Worked as program compliance coordinator in a study published October, 2012 in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, African-Americans with heart disease who practiced Transcendental Meditation regularly were 48% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, or to die, than those who attended a health-education class. Among the meditation group, there were 20 such occurrences, compared with 32 in the control group. The study, which ran for more than five years, involved 201 people.
Associate Researcher at the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition, Fairfield, Iowa, USA.
Co-author of 'Higher psycho-physiological refinement in world-class Norwegian athletes; brain measures of performance capacity' with dr. H. Harung and distinguished brain researcher dr. F. Travis. Published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 2011.
Maharishi Ayurveda for Postpartum Care. Midwifery Today, Autumn issue, 2013, pp 39-40. New mothers in the Mother and Baby program had more harmonoius family relations, greater emotional stability, better health and energy ratings, and greater overall stability in their pospartum recovery.
Cand. psych., University of Copenhagen, 1976.
M.A. in The Science of Creative Intelligence, Maharishi International University, 1989.
M. A. of science in psychology, Maharishi International University, 1991
Presented my dissertation research on the Mother and Baby program at the conference of the Alliance of Women Scieentists and Scholar for a Better World, July 5, 2013, Holland
Attended the conference on the Mother Babyh program of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, June 17-19, 2012, Vlodrop, Holland. Highlighted the presentation of the new, comprehensive Mother & Baby program for an audience of lady doctors. New focus: pre-conception planning and support for natural fertility and childbirth. The single most significant step af action to hellp improve the health of mankind and create a better world.
Attended the conference of Alliance of Women Scieentists and Scholar for a Better World, June 27, 2012, Holland. Women scholars joining together applying knowledge, research, and intelligence to support harmony, peace, and progress worldwide.
Attended the conference of The Global Mother Divine Organiztiom for all women in the world to realize and unfold their full potential and nourishing, uplifting qualities. Participants from over 40 countries. June 22 - 29, 2012, Holland.
You can still view this conference till September 30. Alliance of Women Scientists and Scholars for a Better World, July 4-6, Holland. Superb talks on quality management, mothers' health, healthy agriculture, dairy, city gardens. My own talk on mothers' postpartum rejuvenation with Maharishi Ayur-Veda is included on day 2. Research showed that mothers in this program had more harmonious family relations, greater emotional stability, higher health and energy ratings than controls. Do not miss out on this opportunity.
See also
All the qualities of mother—they are the most vital expression of Creative Intelligence, because motherhood is all creative. It has the value of maintenance, but first and the basic valueof motherhood is creativity— ability to create. And she creates out of herself, so what she creates is her own expression.’ —Maharishi, 2 May 1971
The mother is the most precious possession of the nation, so precious that society advances its highest well-being when it protects the functions of the mother" Ellen Key, 1914 Swedish author.
When Mommy is happy, baby is happy. Baby senses at a deep level the state of mother's well-being and responds accordingly.
There is a great gap in the care offered to new mothers in our society.-A new mother should be pampered and cared forso she can rejuvenate rapidly and fully. She is the key to the happiness o the family.
The cruel facts of life show that about 80 % of new mothers experience the 'baby blues'. And about 15 % suffer from Postpartum Depression. 'What is there to be depresseb about' some men ask. Frequently a woman is exhausted after long hours of delivery, nine months of pregnancy and all the new challenges of motherhood. Being on call 24/7, never getting a full night's sleep, being up wih the baby nights, feeding or changing the baby, loads of laundry, cooking, cleaning, visitors, no time to rest. Simply overwhelmed, fatigued, feeling incable as a mother, isolated and lonely - and getting depressed.
This should be the happiest time in a woman's life. Something is needed here. A well-structured, comprehensive care plan for new mothers. The Mother and Baby program - specifically designed to aid mothers in rapif rejuvenation after childbirth.