Author, Speaker, Coach and Workshop Leader, Rajah is "The Urban Yogi". Rajah's book The Zero Point Matrix is a Mystic Manifestation Guide. It explains in details about the role of the mind, sub conscious mind as well as the universal mind, in the manifestation process. If you are not getting the desired results with the Law of attraction, you owe it to yourself to read this book and understand how the harmonic relation of all the minds is necessary to create the desired results.
Next FREE workshop March 19, 2013, 7:00 PM (Pacific Time) Enroll at
FREE Webinar on March 12, 2013, 7:00 PM (Pacific Time) Sign up at
Napolian Hill said : Whatever the mind of man can conceive and beleive, he can acheive. Lot of people are still ignorant about what the mind is. It is not in the brian or a physical part of the body. It is intangible. The mind is not in the body, it is a part of the Cosmic Energy -- Universe. At the sub atomic level this energy turns into light and informations powerd by Life Force. This power is known as Prana, Chi, Qi and different names in different disciplines. I call it VITAGARA ( Vita meaning Life in Latin). This power can be harness through breathing. The Science of breathing is Known as Swar-Vigyan in the Indian Theosphy.
Life is nothing but an Illusion ( Maya). Practice, FEARLESS LIVING.Your Inner world Creates your outer world & the Gates of Change, open from within. What you focus on expands. Tommorow is Mystery, Yesterday is History, today is a GIFT ( that's why we call it PRESENT) SO.. ENJOY IT.
Phone: 323 206 8559
FAX: 310-494-0181
Rajah Sharma
Zero Point Matrix
1133 Vine Street
Hollywood, Ca- 90038