Peter Macfarlane spent fifteen years of his career as a top advisor to high net worth individuals on offshore financial privacy and asset protection. After deciding to change the focus of his career in 2008, he became joint editor of The Q Wealth Report along with wealth creation mentor Dr Richard Cawte. The Q Wealth Report focuses on wealth creation, wealth protection and growing wealth internationally. Wealth, of course, is not just measured in financial terms. Health and lifestyle are important. Our goals at Q Wealth are to help individuals achieve personal, financial and political freedom, and to live better for less by running profitable international businesses offshore.
Peter has spoken at wealth creation and offshore investing seminars all over the world. He can speak for either an hour or run a
full day of workshops for both private and corporate clients. To enquire about Peter’s engagement fees and availability please email
The Biggest Hope: You Can Find Freedom in an Un-Free World.
The most difficult step to take in life is to throw out all the education
you have had that has taught you that making money is a bad thing. It
starts when we are very young and continues right through schooling and
on into adult life. We are taught that money is dirty. We use phrases
like "The Filthy Rich" and "Stinking Rich". We're told that it is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to
enter heaven. We're even told that the Love of Money is the Root of all
How many phrases can you think of that describe wealth in a positive way?
Very few. That's why so many lotto winners end up just as poor as they
were before they won their millions. On some level, they just hate to be
At the same time, we are taught we should have a safe job with a pension
plan. We're told that the government is like a father to us. Neither of
these statements is true.
But moving out of the comfort zone of what we have learned and teaching
ourselves to be responsible, to create our own future, to be what we want
to be, is not always straightforward. The great thing, however, is that
it is possible for each and every one of us to do this. And the best time
to start is right now! Not tomorrow or next week, but today, this moment;
There has never been a better time to break free from the education we
all receive. To do this, you need to know that money DOES grow on trees,
that most people ARE good and not evil, and that you can unlock your
potential simply by acknowledging that it is there!
If you are interested in learning about my products and services, I suggest you do three things:
1. Visit The Q Wealth Report and sign up for The Q Bytes free email newsletter. The Q Wealth Report is about creating, preserving and growing your wealth... with an offshore focus.
2. If you are interested in my work on offshore banking and the financial system (this is more economics with a practical asset protection direction, less wealth building) then take a look at my personal blog over at
3. You can visit one of my future events. Remember I'm just one of the presenters, and I am frequently appearing alongside other people who will also be of great value to you such as Richard Cawte (wealth psychology), Jacques Haeringer (nutrition and healthy eating) and Thomas Bolther (international real estate wealth). Visit our events site at
Peter Macfarlane & Associates, S.A.
(Leading Publishers of Freedom and Privacy Information)
Suite 404 Albany House
324-326 Regent Street
United Kingdom
+44 20 7855 2563
1 800 583 1637
USA/Canada toll free
+44 20 3051 4777 UK
Telephone: by appointment only, please email first