Business owners around the world are struggling more than you should, because you don't understand the business side of your business; the Money, Finances, Metrics and Key Performance Indicators.
You don't understand how to read and interprit the Story that the numbers are telling about your business.
You can check out my Free Download that is a whole package of Examples, Templates and Training Videos that will help you to better understand Business Financial Statements.
That prompted me to start formally Mentoring Small Business Owners on the Business Side of their Business with my Done With You Program.
Paul Monax
Helping Small Business Owners Understand the Money and Finances
in Your Business and Learn How Business Really Works!
For more details on the Mentorship, Coaching & Training programs that I offer,
please check out my Done With You Program.
Best place to get started is to download my free package of Examples, Templates & Videos
My office is in Littleton, Colorado, but since I do my mentoring over e-mail, the phone, skype and the internet the
best way to contact me is via the Contact page on my website.