My name is Oceana and I'm so glad you're here.
Positive Thoughts is my first and only business. I started it in 2003 almost as if I had no choice. This collection of affirmations had such a huge impact on my life that I wanted to bring them out for others. To me, these are jewels-of-the-heart.
Let me back up a minute.
The relationship between an important family member and myself had not been working for many years. I wrote these phrases in the hope I would gain some clarity. Every morning I repeated those that spoke to me and stayed with it until I felt their message swallow inside. After 4-5 weeks I noticed my thinking begin to change. It was bathed in a more positive light. I was letting go of some rusty emotional pain and tingled with the thought that this letting go might change my life. It did! As my belief system changed I began to see this person differently. My blinders came off and I saw the bigger picture of our relationship. It was the beginning of making peace.
These phrases speak to both women and men. They speak to those with depression, to those who feel unlovable, and to those who feel cheated by life. They speak to those who are making amends, to those in support groups, to those in challenging relationships, and to those led by the 'I'm not enough' mantra.
I have created two 36-card packets: Positive Thoughts for Women (self-esteem affirmations), and Power Thoughts for Men (self-confidence phrases). I invite you to take a look at my website:
My philosophy? To go through the emotional demons locking you out of the magic feelings of self-love, and to uncover the veil that stops you.
My philosophy? To Live While You Are Alive!