With degrees in both Communications and Remedial Massage, Guided Meditation has been a natural progression for my interests. Having treated many patients with physical dis-ease as the direct result of emotional imbalance, Guided Meditation has allowed me to work on a deeper energetic level to achieve amazing results. My personal studies into the subject have led me into my latest project.
'Explore Meditation' is a directory website that allows users to preview and download a wide variety of Guided Meditations. www.ExploreMeditation.com
The site is non-denominational and aims to provide support information so users can walk the 'Meditation' path of their choosing.
I am currently looking for Qualified Therapists with Guided Meditations to include on the site. You retain copyright, it's non exclusive, and there is ample opportunity for you to promote your specific desires.
Networking is a great way to broaden your exposure, list share, experience collaboration not compitition, and make a financial return on your efforts. As professionals, this small exchange is important for us to grow as educators. There will be a lot 'given away', but 'worth' is suported by purchase.
We all know the immense benefits of Meditation. Guided Meditation makes it easier for beginners to become familiar with the practice, or for the experienced to meditate with a specific purpose or intent. I invite you to the site and welcome your thoughts.
In Love and Light, We Explore!
Nigel Coates