Neil F. Anderson lives and farms near Scotland, Ontario, Canada. A master dowser and long-time member of every major dowsing association in North America, Neil has developed a remarkable new self-healing device. Based on the principles of radionics and vibrational medicine, it is called the Love of Miracles Triangle (TM), in reference to the triangular configuration of the word/letter/phrase frequencies on the 4 pages that make up the Triangle.
Now Anyone Can Dowse for Health!
The Triangle is a 2-card, double-sided self-dowsing device that can be used by anyone, not just dowsers, to positively transmute the held non-beneficial energies in the brains of the body, thereby stimulating the body's inherent ability to self-correct and return to its normal state of health and vitality. Just by looking at the Triangle for a few minutes, you can now replicate the effects of Neil's own dowsing technique just by using the Triangle, either daily for prevention purposed or for acute problems as they arise.
Ask And Ye Shall Receive! Or, How Neil Discovered the Power of Word and Letter Frequencies
In the 1980s, Neil bought the land on which he now lives and farms, which happens to be in the line of powerful cell-tower frequencies and electro-magnetic fields. He and his family soon began suffering prolonged bouts of serious illness while a general malaise gripped his dairy herd. After several years of chasing down the causes of these mysterious illnesses, Neil hired a dowser who was helping people in the local area with similar issues. The family's health issues and the vitality of the farm improved dramatically. At that point, Neil got serious about dowsing, joining the Candian Society of Dowsers and other dowsing associations. Through trial and error and exposure to numerous master dowsers, Neil developed his own unique dowsing style, which one really needs to see in action to appreciate!
About a year ago, Neil had begun to notice that the dowsing work he was doing for others was beginning to take its toll on his own energy. He also was suffering from a long-standing gastric problem that dowsing had thus far been unable to address, so he sat down and asked for guidance on how to make a tool that would release the energetics that lead to disease and discomfort. This new tool would need to be more effective than his normal dowsing protocol and so automatic that anyone could use it for self-care without needing to call on an experienced dowser. Almost immediately, Spirit answered. Through a process of intuiting and then dowsing to test the accuracy of those intuitive ideas, he took just over one year to formulate the design of the Love of Miracles Triangle.
How a Dowser Thinks
Neil was guided first to work with the idea that "love dissolves all", and to experiment on paper with creating an image that would use the word "love" in various triangular configurations. As the project developed, he drew on all the knowledge he had amassed so far as a result of his own dowsing journey, including his understanding of how the various "brains" of the body (12 in total, including the "head brain") become congested with challenging "programming" and sometimes even with 'alien" (i.e. not of one's own) energies that challenge the body's natural immunity. Other input from colleagues provided the piece of the puzzle dealing with how word and letter frequencies presented to the subconscious in specific ways can rapidly release correlating non-beneficial energies that make the body vulnerable to disease. List-dowsing allowed him to narrow down a list of 10 word frequencies that would cause the brains to "break" and let go of the related registrations that impede immunity.
Neil then began to test the new device on his own issues and with family and close friends. He could see marked improvement in his own condition and was heartened to see that most other users verified that they too were experiencing similarl shifts in their bodies, state of mind, and overall energy. That said, there were still occasions where he had to resort to manually dowsing out energies locked in the brains and his own issues were not completely resolved. Determined to find that "user-friendly" self-care tool he'd envisioned, he pressed on with the now-familiar process of asking for divine inspiration and then testing his intuitive "answers" with yes/no dowsing. More information kept coming to him, involving more experimentation with words, letters and phrases. By the end of 2007, the Love of Miracles Triangle had evolved into a 4-card series (on 2 double-sided laminated cards) that Neil now believes contain all the word/letter/phrase configurations that any person might need to restore the body's own immune function.
What if We Could Eradicate All Illness?
Neil's mission is to get a Triangle into the medicine cupboard of every household in the world, and to provide a means of self-help to the millions of people suffering from chronic pain and poor health. He enjoys demonstrating the Love of Miracles Triangle to groups large and small, and is always happy to talk to individual Triangle users and people interested in his dowsing techniques.
Phone: (519) 484-2640
For groups seeking to learn more about the Love of Miracles Triangle (TM) and dowsing in general, Neil is also available for speaking and interactive workshop engagements where all participants can experience what it feels like to have energy release for themselves.