An authentic Disability Life Coach & Trauma Recovery Expert should not only have survived their own personal trauma, but will have thrived in spite of their challenges, In other words, the coach must have walked the walk. With that genuine experience, there can be no doubt that the Coach understands difficulty and knows what it takes to overcome obstacles.
A person's physical challenge is often the defining aspect of their life. A Disability Life Coach & Trauma Recovery Expert is a crucial partner assisting that person to face life's challenges. Any person with a disability, who has the right coach van virtually count on reaching their potential.
Recovery does not mean that you wake up one day and you're fine. It does not mean that you don't get confused, and it certainly does not mean you regain the life you had prior to your trauma.
To a person who has survived a trauma, Recovery is making Progress! Making progress is accepting your deficits, learning success strategies to help you with those deficits and learning to love and value yourself.
The best way to start learning about me is to visit my web site at: / or visit my blog at: / My email is:
A fabulous way to know me is to buy my book, ACCEPTANCE GROUPS FOR SURVIVORS, A Guide for Facilitators. Both editions are essentially the same. I earned more credentials that I wanted to display on the new edition. Otherwise the books are the same. First editions are available from me on my web site. Second editions are available from the publisher at Toll Free: 1-877-400-0075 or
Nancy Bauser, ACSW, BCETS, BCDT
Disability Life Coach / Trauma Recovery Expert
Moving On Disability Life Cocaching
Skype ID: nancy.bauser