MYRA LYNETTE ABAOWA attained her Master of Science in Education in 1995 from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Ms. Abaowa majored in Transition Services—assisting others in making smooth transitions to higher and more satisfying levels of experiences in life. Her unique style and ability to evoke change in individuals from all walks of life— earned her the nickname “Dr. A, the People Mover.”
During the past six years, Ms. Abaowa lived her work, as she revitalized herself and her life to move beyond many obstacles, including the devastating effects of “advanced wide-spread metatastic breast cancer.” She applied her professional experiences, gained extensive spiritual and intrapersonal training, as well as learning new psycho-spiritual technologies. It was during this period, Ms. Abaowa, worked with many renowned healers such as: Deepak Chopra, Joao de Deus (John of God), D. K. Olukoya, Antonio Silva, and at length with first Susan Grey (Distance Healer of People and Animals)—who was her bridge and then studied extensively with Vianna Stibal—whose mentorship and training through the ThetaHealing™ Techniques, empowered her to move beyond her "life challenges" and the devastating effects of "advanced wide-spread metatastic breast cancer."
As a result of her experiences she became a Certified ThetaHealing™ Practitioner and Instructor of this unique spiritual energy healing modality, to be an instrument to others. “Passing it Forward!”
Myra Lynette Abaowa, M. Ed., Transition Services
Myra’s Inner Flames ExcursionsSM
Transformational Facilitator
Certified True Colors® Personality Awareness Facilitator
Certified ThetaHealing™ Practitioner and Instructor
Gratefully Trained in Other Methodologies
Post Office Box: 161735
Atlanta, Georgia 30321
Voice Mail: 404.361.9362
To receive information about the following Seminars, contact Myra at 404.361.9362 or email your request, for an information brochure, to
Self Empowerment Energy Healing Seminars
Basic DNA (3 days)
Advanced DNA (3 days)
Manifesting and Abundance (2 days)
Intuitive Development (8 week Course--2hrs a week)
Intuitive Anatomy (3 weeks)
Rainbow Children (8 week Course--2hrs a week)
Personality Awareness Seminars
Revealing Your True Colors (1/2 day)
States of Being -- Personality in the Universe (4 day)
dissolves all material ties
binds men together
with the golden chains of
spiritual understanding;
it acfknowledges only the
leadership of the Christ;
it has no ritual or rule but
the divine, impersonal
Universal Love;
no other worship than
the Inner Flame that is ever lit
at the shrine of Spirit...
Joel Goldsmith
Printed with permission of the Infinite Way (R)
For information, visit or call Myra at 404.361.9362 and receive a ten minute overview of services with Q and A.
Myra's Inner Flames Excursions
Post Office Box: 161735
Atlanta, Georgia 30321
Voice Mail: 404.361.9362