Michelle Meredith-Bowen is the Founder of CoolLime Life a health and wellness coaching company dedicated to helping women FIND and LIVE their healthiest, happiest lives. Michelle has a degree in Psychology and is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and a Trained Wellness Coach. Michelle co-authored the e-book Live Your CoolLime Life...5 Fundamentals To Unleashing the Healthiest, Happiest You! and developed the 90-day on-line coaching program CoolLimeU.
As a former healthcare sales manager, Michelle spent 12 years in Corporate America developing sales people and helping them leverage their strengths to achieve their personal best at work. She saw firsthand the continuing decline in women's overall health and wellness. It was then that she decided she needed to have a more direct impact on helping women make important health related changes. In 2010 she founded the health and wellness coaching company CoolLime Life with her business partner Marci Powell.
www.CoolLimeLife.com offers a full range of wellness coaching services and products: a free daily newsletter, e-books, on-line coaching programs and one-on-one coaching services.
You can start living your CoolLime Life Today! Click here to download our FREE e-book Live Your CoolLime Life...5 Fundamentals to Unleasning Your Healthiest, Happiest YOU!
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