Born in North-Germany, I think 1954 - but, I never would come down.
Visit the "must" shools and learn an "normal" Job.
After a time of many Jobs, some years of outtime, some times of emotional rollercoaster, I found my inner calling and than - I follow them. Its an mixture of an shaman, celtic, magic, druid and spiritually way to listen the bodytalk, read in the bodymemory and to translate the body(organ)language.
• I hear the words between.
• I hear the words between the body and the soul.
• I see the energyflow in and at the body.
• I feel the energy and the energyknots.
• I read in the bodymemory.
• I hear the words of my spiritual helper.
• I speak the words of the one-energy.
and than I start with my work.
"If you would be you in the future, than dont accept your mind that it will stay in the old you!"
Its easy, you start to learn to feel and to sense your inner body and than your inner way.
Michael Spars
Surengasse 2
Postfach 97
6210 Sursee
Switzerland (Corporate Soul only in German)
Any Question?