Michael has enjoyed and been involved with bodywork all his life. Even as a teenager he
was learning about energy work, Hatha & Kriya Yoga, Reflexology and massage. In 1974,
while living in Hawaii, he was taught Lomi-Lomi in the traditions of Morna Simeona. Also at
this time he was first introduced to Rolfing and many oriental traditions.
Finally after 25 years in the credit and collection industry, where he was a collections
manager, private investigator, and represented clients in small claims court, Michael
followed his dream and went to the Nevada School of Massage Therapy in Las Vegas.
While just a student he passed his National Certification 6 weeks before graduation which
enabled him to get his Utah Massage license in just 19 days after he finished school. So
after 25 years of rubbing people the wrong way, he now gets to rub them the right way!
Working with clear intent, Michael uses all his skills to make each session with each client
the best ever. He learns from everyone he encounters and his primary goal is to continue
to perfect the skills that make his bodywork sessions truly memorable.
2008 St George Marathon Massage Therapy Coordinator
"Massage is not an indulgence, it is a necessity if your goal is health and well being."
"Better to be like my 79 year old client who, after his first massage, said, "why did I wait so long to do this?"; than to be like his golf buddy who at 80 has never had a massage."
"What are you waiting for?"