Success follows certain laws. Successful people consciously choose success and commit to achieving it.
I am a trading psychology and success coach. I have traded my own account for 15 years trading futures. My main emphasis is on coaching traders and entrepreneurs. I am the author of several books and success programs. My journey as a trader taught me about mental discipline and the vital importance of managing our energy inside our bodies and in our environment.
I have coached entrepreneurs and professional traders on creating harmony and balance in their lives using the techniques I discovered and developed over many years dealing with my own challenges on the path to lasting success and harmony.
My work is based on the teachings of the wisdom traditions, neuro science and practical experience experimenting with different forms of energy manipulation.
My career path started in banking which I very soon abandoned for the more exciting world of PR. I am a REIKI master, EFT Practitioner, (advanced level) and Theta healer. I have also studied energetic NLP and HUNA in depth.
An important part of my coaching work includes working with the energy of buildings and the land.
On my varied path I have done many entity clearings. I can tune into earth energies easily which enables me to tune into any problem areas and do distance healing of buildings very effectively. Many business problems have resolved quickly as a result of working with the client and their building simultaneously.
This ability gave birth to HOLISTIC Feng Shui my latest brainchild:
HOLISTIC Feng Shui is a unique technique that integrates mind, body and your environment using harmonic convergence of different energy vortexes which are created using tools of what I call “Pyramid Feng Shui” , history clearing for people, geopathic stress clearing and earth healing.
The approach is to the best of my knowledge unique. and works extremely well to bring lasting harmony and balance to your inner self and to your environment.
When applied on a larger scale the techniques of Holistic Feng Shui harmonize larger areas and improve growth cycles in your garden.
I teach my clients to raise their consciousness so that they can affect the environment and even the weather.
I am the author of several books on trading psychology and related subjects, including The Buddhist Trader.
Please visit my website. to find out more.
“The Buddhist Trader” is also available on Amazon. The “Stop Procrastination Progam” is available on Amazon as a Kindle book.
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"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger, or faster man, but the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can." (Anon)
"Thoughts become things..."
We must learn how to think...
This quote is one of my life principles. Success does not grow on trees, but if you learn to focus your mind steadily on your goal, no matter what obstacles arise, you cannot help but succeed.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein
This is so true, you must learn to follow your inner path to wisdom. Imagination is key. It supersedes logic and builds inner trust.
Please visit my website for more information and free tools to help you on your journey to happiness and success.
Subscribe to my newsletter. It' s a great way to get to know each other.
Check out my books:
The BUDDHIST TRADER When you develop as a person you become a better trader. The only book on trading psychology you need to read.
Deepen your knowledge of yourself and discover hw to navigate the constantly changing market conditions by aligning your psychology with the psychology of the market. Discover how you can stay ahead in challenging times.
Five Minutes To Financial Freedom gives you basic and powerful tools to play the mental focusing game. This book shows you five quick and easy, highly effective ways to take control of your mind and improve the way you think about money.
The Buddhist Trader's Stop Procrastinating Program is a workbook that helps you make better trading decisions Shift your motivation into top gear within minutes through the power of EFT, (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Micro EFT.
Mercedes Oestermann van Essen
++44(0)1858 466562
9 Harborough Road
United Kingdom