Mary Halima Fleming is a Life Purpose hand analyst, coach, and Sufi Spiritual Healer. Her life’s mission is to “teach, heal, and inspire those who are ready to live their lives on purpose.” Her life purpose as written in her hands and fingerprints is “Gifted Healer/Leader and Growth Catalyst with heart"
She maintains a fulltime coaching & healing practice in South Florida & travels nationwide offering Life Purpose readings & spiritual healings. To date, she has helped over 5,500 people to know & live their soul's life purpose.
NO CHARGE Divine Soul Purpose Tele-Series:
“Discovering the Meaning of Life - Revealing and Living Your Soul Purpose”
Life Purpose Hand Analysis
Breakthrough Support Coaching
Spiritual Healing
My Mission:
To teach, heal & inspire those who are ready to live their soul’s life purpose.
You can visit my website by clicking here: One Soul Purpose
I don’t know about you, but I was born with one question on my mind and heart:
“Who am I and what is my life’s purpose?”
Well, after trying out numerous and successful careers that included travel, art, advertising & manufacturing (to name a few), PLUS all kinds of fun tests, astrology readings, magazine quizzes, queries to the nuns and priests in school and of course, reading plenty of books on the subject - what I finally learned is this:
OUR LIFE PURPOSE cannot be found in the brain-mind function! There’s no way to figure it out using our head. And it’s not a career choice either…
OUR LIFE PURPOSE sits in our SOUL and it is encoded in our very fingerprints! Imagine that! Now I know!
So now, I’d be honored to help you get YOUR life purpose! This will spare you years of your own searching, so that you too, can KNOW and LIVE your soul’s LIFE PURPOSE.
To contact me for a Life Purpose Hand Analysis session, Coaching or Healing Appointment, event info, or to book her for a speaking engagement, please call or e-mail: