Testimonials from people around the world have categoried me as an expert in promoting responsible behavior, using authority without coercion, improving relationships, and becoming more effective in both one’s professional and personal life.
Discipline and Parenting without Stress are unique in that (1) it is a system, rather than a number of techniques, (2) the system is totally noncoercive—but not permissive, and (3) when necessary, uses authority without coercion—as in of bribes to control, threats, or imposed punishments.
My major books are:“Discipline Without Stress® Punishments and Rewards: How Teachers and Parents Promote Responsibility & Learning ” and “Parenting without Stress®: How to Raise Responsible kids While Keeping a Life of Your Own.”
I am a parent and former, elementary, middle, and high school classroom teacher on all levels, in many subjects, and in a variety of socio-economic areas—urban (Los Angeles and Harlem in New York), suburban, and rural.
My experiences also include service as a middle and high school counselor with certification by the William Glasser Institute in Choice Theory, Reality Therapy, and Lead Management.
I have also served as an elementary, middle, and high school principal and as a district director of education.
My return to the classroom after 24 years from my various counseling, administrative, and staff-development positions led to the creation of my approach that is now used in most of the United States and in 25 countries on five continents.
Learn more at http://marvinmardshall.com and at http://disciplineonline.com
People who use Discipline Without Stress as taught in http://disciplineonline.com discover the program life-changing because they use many of the techniques in both their personal and professional lives. This 4-hour program—divided into 54 short modules—teaches how to influence others to do what you would like them to do because they want to do it. The coercive punishment culture prevalent in many schools and homes is significantly reduced because adults serve as developers of good character rather than as police officers enforcing rules
Don't do things for young people that they can do for themselves.
Here are three sources to find out about Discipline and Parenting Without Stdress:
http://marvinmarshall.com/ http://disciplineonline.com/ and http://marvinmarshall.com/files/pdf/Phi_Delta_Kappan.pdf