The founder of Forexearlyarning is Mark Mc Donnell. With his trading partners he established the company and the philosophy of having a low cost spot forex trading plan service including all forex education. Marks background includes his work with a major brokerage firm in equity and mutual fund trading. Marks personal trading journey started with equity options, then expanded to stock trading. When the spot forex trading arrived in 2002 Mark was fascinated with this new market, the liquidity, the leverage, and the 24-hour trading. He studied the forex and concluded that the Big Lights Method of multiple timeframe analysis combined with a written forex trading plan applied to red and green light software was the soundest approach to trading the spot forex. Many traders agreed and there is an army of traders who believe in the method Mark developed. In late 2007 Mark Mc Donnell developed The Forex Heatmap® This new forex trading tool, The Forex Heatmap®, allows forex traders to check the condition of the forex market at the point of trade entry. The Forex Heatmap® is a real time visual map of the spot forex and produces pips from the forex market daily. Once again everyone using this new forex tool agrees that it is a winner for trading the forex.