Marilyn Eppolite assists clients in transforming drama, trauma and chaos into emotional health through drug free techniques. She shows clients how to use the power of their chakras and energy field to support them in times of stress. The skills she utilizes maybe unfamiliar to them at first, but her background in education enables her to teach difficult concepts to clients easily. She shows clients they know more about their body’s energy field than they realize.
With 25 years of experience in the healing arts, Marilyn enjoys sharing her passion for emotional wellness and transforming challenges into opportunities. She inspires them to connect to their Wisdom Within to answer questions to the challenges in their lives and to live a soul centered life.
She has written for Natural Awakenings Magazine and is the author of a forthcoming book titled From Chaos to Calm: 7 Steps to Finding Your Way Out of Overwhelm and Into Your Life Again.
Know you are always held in Love, even as you experience challenges. Connect to the Eternal Light and ask for your Wisdom Within to guide you. Then allow yourself to be held and guided to your next step. Allow this knowing to become a part of you, growing with every breath.
I enjoy inspiring people ito connect to their Wisdom Within as a way to answer questions to the challenges in their lives. By helping people focus in on their energy field and noticing how it affects their life, I help people to realize they are already energy sensitive and how they can use it for their benefit, to live an emotionally balanced life that is soul directed.