I come from a family of recovering alcoholics and addicts. Our family owned a recovery home (half way house) for 11 years, at one point we lived next door to our recovery home. So I know people can change I have seen it and I have applied it to my own life. Nobody is perfect and as humans we will make some mistakes but with the proper help we can change.
I am a Life Success Consultant/ life coach a program that was created and taught by Bob Proctor. I help people with goal setting and changing the way they think to achieve those goals. I was working as a realtor when I first started down this path. I went to the book store to find something to help me with my techniques in real estate and I happened to see this audio book called Coach in a box by Dr.Wayne Dyer, I really enjoyed listening to this audio book so I bought some more cds to listen to and eventually stumbled upon the secret. By this time I had let my real estate lisense go inactive and was working for a retail store and I knew I really didnt like being an agent and I didnt like working for someone else. So one night I went to sleep watching the secret while thinking how great it would be if I could do what some of the people in the secret do. The next day when I woke up I signed on the computer and went to my Myspace page, when I opened it I had a friend request from a girl, so I open her page to see what she was about and a bunch of the people from the secret were on her page as friends. So I started requesting these people to be my friend, when I came accross Bobs page there was an add on there to become a certified Life Success Consultant, I checked into a signed up and now I am on my way to creating my own books now.
When I coach people I am coaching from my own expierences. I believe that we can make our world around us what we want it. I can honestly say that the laws of attraction do work and they have worked for me.
I like how Rev. DR. Michael Beckwith from the secret put it. You could start with nothing and out of nothing and out of no way a way will be made.
Let us understand. You cannot reasonablyhope to succeed by merely dreaming about success. You must put an action behind that dream. Frank Haddock
My thoughts are everybody has an idea of something they wanna do or build, but most people stop at there ideas and do nothing about it, if you just sit there and wait for the perfect time to come along for you to put your idea into motion, you may never get to use that idea.
You can call me at 775-232-6214 you can e-mail me at mariebaker@lifesuccessconsultants.com or you can go to my website mariebaker.lifesuccessconsultants.com or you can try renorealtor@hotmail.com make sure to leave amessag if you call and type a subject if you email.