I voluntered at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Center (TACF) "Healing Room" for more than 5 years. I was trained to lay hands on people as our team pray for their healing. Gifts of "Healing" was allegedly imparted to me by various Healing Evangelists. Then we were advised to go out in the market place to share our gifts. To understand the mechanics of what is going on during the healing sessions, I studied Chair Massage and saw, how a healing touch works wonders on people, during chair massage sessions. Soon this included Reflexology when I got certified as a practitioner. Then as a Registered Massage Therapist where frozen shoulders got unlocked in one treatment, sometimes. EFT, Body Specific Analysis, Emotional Release and Cellular Support System and Trigenics, explains more the science behind these amazing results. But it is more than what those therapies can explain. What can you say if another gifted person tells you she is seeing negative energies like steam getting out of the person I am treating? I am continually searching, but I know the Lord will guide me, as He had guided me always. I am making myself available to serve the purposes of our Creator. I am also conitnuing to search for ways to serve humanity. I know at this moment that I can facilitate distant healing, and also know that there is more I may be able to do, that I am not aware of.
Whatever your mind can concieve and believe through faith in Jesus Christ, will manifest readily in your life. Expect a miracle and the miracle becomes common and scientifically explainable.
I am now affiliated with Dr. George Grant of The International Academy of Wellness, who introduced me to this site.He conducts Wellness Cruises, Retreats and Wellness Clinics Worldwide. I will be part of a team of gifted wholistic Practitioners who will resolve issues concerning physical, mental, emotional, as well as spiritual blockages that can be removed naturally and with prayer, with Biofeedback or other proven protocols that produces results. Go to www.academyofwellness.com and learn more of the direction my life is leaading into.
The Natural Healing Center
66 Benson Ave. Richmond Hill
Ontario Canada L4C 4E6