Lourdes Gant is a Master Certified Money Breakthrough Method Coach for executive business owners. She works with clients to help them create and grow financially successful businesses around their vision. She is ranked as one of Canada's top 100 female entrepreneurs by PROFIT and Chatelaine Magazines in 2012. Lourdes happily works from her home office in beautiful British Columbia in Vancouver Island, Canada offering in-person and virtual programs and services to executive business owners who want to accelerate their business, increase their profits, and still have time for their life.
Discover How To Align Your Spiritual & Financial Success, and Break Free of Fear, Confusion, and Self - Sabotage with Money, All so you can Empower Yourself to Up Level Your Life, Your Business or Your Career
Visit: http://www.lourdesgant.com/moneyarchetypes
It's a fact: human beings are creatures of habit. We feel secure in our routines and rarely question how well our systems or our beliefs are working, if at all. We convince our self that everything is okay, but the reality is you may have merely found comfort in the consistency of chronic, low-grade under performance.